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專訪Merlin Chain創辦人:「藍盒子」暴漲的背後與比特幣的未來

撰文:律動 BlockBeats

隨著BTC ETF的獲批,比特幣生態正迎來令人振奮的黃金時代,許多人本輪牛市將主要在比特幣領域爆發。我們很榮幸邀請到深耕比特幣生態的行業信仰者、Merlin Chain的創辦人 Jeff。Merlin Chain 是一條專注於服務比特幣用戶、資產與協議的 BTC Layer2,透過 ZK 技術實現比特幣層安全性的共享,是目前比特幣生態系統中不可忽視的力量。

Bitmap 和 BRC-4​​20 的設計初衷

BlockBeats:Bitmap.Game 和 BRC-4​​20 的市場反應都非常好。可以分享一下您創建這兩個項目的初期嗎?


專訪Merlin Chain創辦人:「藍盒子」暴漲的背後與比特幣的未來


專訪Merlin Chain創辦人:「藍盒子」暴漲的背後與比特幣的未來


專訪Merlin Chain創辦人:「藍盒子」暴漲的背後與比特幣的未來

最初我們推出Bitmap.Game 的初衷是建立一個與客戶端無關的、不依賴特定伺服器、去中心化、取得權限的產品。因為所有的資料都來自於鏈上,而不是在我們手中,因此即使我們停止運營,其他人也可以選擇建立自己的客戶端繼續發展,任何人都可以競爭開發類似的產品。我們認為這樣的產品是未來的發展方向,可能有些獨特,但確實是我們的初衷。

而BRC-4​​20,我們稱之為資料標準化、模組代幣化的資產協議。事實上,我們可以將任何資料變成模組,並代幣化該模組,設定成為一種資產。例如,有一個名為Bitmap.town 的DLC,包含600 多個元宇宙的遊戲資產,如動畫、腳本、頭像、音樂等,它們被打包成一個DLC,然後進行代幣化。項目發布後,所有內容將全部上鍊,用戶可以自己存取、基於其建立自己的內容,同時持有這些代幣,而不再依賴開發這個DLC 的團隊。




第二個新記述下的新產品模式,這一點在BRC-4​​20 上的一些產品中可以看到倪的一些端。Mineral,打造了一個將DeFi 和算力結合的玩法;例如基於Bitmap的玩法鏈上遊戲,點陣圖谷、點陣圖大戰,都在使用BRC-4​​20協議發行資產,基於鏈上內容的產品運營模式:先發行BRC-4​​20資產,借用其進行圖幣轉換,然後或代幣空投,然後再在二層網路上建立基於這些資產的產品。我覺得整個產品模式的創新會隨著大趨勢不斷出現,

最後一個是可組合性,我認為這是區塊鏈最大的生產力創新,但在以太坊等生態中很少有人提及。相信你也知道 DeFi 樂高這個詞,DeFi 的本質就是不同的樂高之間從Uniswap到流動性挖礦,到Compound,再到曲線等等,智能合約讓整個行業的爆發均源於可組合性。而比特幣能則解決內容上的可組合性比方說你做了一個遊戲,裡面有20個,我可以基於其中的15個模組快速做一個新遊戲,而不需要重新造輪子。我覺得我們抓住了比特幣生態中模組最獨特的創新,而不是重新玩一遍以太坊的玩法。

Jeff 的比特幣生態創業之路








Jeff: I actually came into contact with Bitcoin very early. In 2012, I took investment from a VC and founded my first company in China. This investment institution also happened to invest in Coinbase and Ripple. At that time, I myself was an early scholar in computer science. Later, I turned to political science and sociology when I went to the United States for high school and undergraduate studies. The combination of these backgrounds made me full of faith when I came into contact with Bitcoin.

At that time, many programmers did not trust Bitcoin and thought that the technology was very backward; while many liberal arts students felt that it was too unfamiliar and did not have much experience. But after I saw the Bitcoin white paper for the first time, I jumped into it without hesitation. Therefore, I am very good friends with the first batch of people who came into contact with Bitcoin in China. At that time, we discussed the purchase method together, and later we also did transactions together. There is no specific reason why I believe in Bitcoin, it is just a belief.

I think Bitcoin and Ordinals are very similar, both are antifragile and have no weaknesses. Even if the price drops to a very low level, even if no one likes it, it will always exist and will not be eliminated or killed by a file. This was my favorite at the time. Because the world is very fragile, and various countries and regions have various problems that require such anti-fragile things. So since more than ten years ago, I have had great faith in Bitcoin, and last year I also started to believe in the Ordinals ecosystem.

BlockBeats: I feel like you are a very punk person. Has this belief in the Bitcoin ecosystem affected your project positioning and development direction?

Jeff: First, we hope to find the most unique innovations in the Bitcoin ecosystem and never follow the old path of Ethereum. As entrepreneurs, we are eager to challenge uncertainty, which can stimulate the motivation for innovation. If you follow the same old path that others have already walked, you will lack freshness.

Second, our belief in ecology is also our belief in people. When we started building the Ordinals product, around May or June of last year, almost all of Ordinals’ assets were reduced to zero. The entire Bitcoin ecosystem and Ordinals have been ridiculed and looked down upon by the outside world. When I am out there, almost no one around me knows that I am doing Ordinals, because once I say it, many people will think it is a scam or a game played by children.

However, in that case, we found that Ordinals has 5 to 10 Twitter Spaces every night, including English and Chinese, where a group of developers gather together to keep warm and think of new things. In fact, the pressure to learn at that time was much greater than it is now. New protocols, new standards, and new innovations appeared every day. I could feel the vitality of the entire ecosystem. Everyone's belief and investment in this matter was very high. This made me feel the purity of an industry in its early days, as well as the dedication and belief of the users and developers surrounding this ecosystem.

Therefore, whether it is Layer 2 we are working on or new products in the future, they will all revolve around these users and assets. We sincerely hope to build in this ecosystem for a long time, and at the same time participate as users for a long time, and truly become part of these local communities, including local assets. Compared with many other projects that choose to quickly introduce Ethereum’s assets and mechanisms, we prefer to build and innovate natively around past users and assets.

The development status of BTC L2 and the innovation of Merlin Chain

BlockBeats: Can you share why you decided to create Merlin Chain?

Jeff: Three or four months ago, I often discussed with others that Bitcoin Layer 1 was difficult and impossible to play. You will find that all users are buying new assets. The previous asset has just finished trading and has stopped rising. Everyone has gone to the next asset to buy new ones. I have been busy all the time, but I don’t know what I am busy with.

Most of the assets that have risen rapidly and have high market values ​​are from three months ago, and it is now difficult to generate new assets. One is because the narrative is not new, the other is because the application scenarios are too limited, and the third is because financial liquidity and leverage are too weak. Therefore, in order to make this ecosystem more prosperous, it is currently necessary to use a virtual machine environment to implement these functions.

Therefore, Bitcoin’s Layer 2 is an actual user demand, not a fantasy demand. In addition, there is also a demand for capital. Since there is no way to invest in Layer 1, it is all Fair Launch, so investors will choose to invest in Layer 2.

The reason why we want to do Layer2 is actually for our community, users, and what we want to do. For example, in the past six months, people have always asked us why we don’t make games based on Bitmap or P2E. This is actually because doing these things requires a virtual machine, which cannot be achieved on Layer 1. All users and the ecosystem are calling for this demand, so we decided three months ago to build a true Bitcoin Native expansion plan.

BlockBeats: What are the differences/advantages between Merlin Chain and other L2s?

Jeff: The biggest feature is that we want to serve the native users of Bitcoin first, and explore native innovations with native users and native assets. We feel that if even the basic market cannot be well served and only serves Ethereum users from the beginning, most of whom are Ethereum users and their assets are ETH and USDT, then this chain can hardly be called the Layer 2 of Bitcoin. Although such chains are still called Bitcoin Layer 2.

Based on this, we collaborated with Particle three months ago to develop a Bitcoin wallet solution. Whether you use Unisat or OKX, any Bitcoin wallet can seamlessly switch between layer one and layer two. This matter has added a lot of construction time and cost, but we feel that this must be done to serve Bitcoin users well.

The second feature is to serve Bitcoin assets, that is, ORDI, SATS, RATS, etc. At present, most of the so-called Bitcoin Layer 2 have Ethereum assets and even BNB Chain assets. We feel that we must let Bitcoin assets and communities use it first, so that we can have the opportunity to further explore what kind of innovations ARC-20 and BRC-420 can have. Instead of using Ethereum and USDT to innovate, that is not innovation.

The third thing is actually a matter of course, which is to embrace the innovation native to Bitcoin. Only by putting Bitcoin's real users, protocols, builders, project parties, and Bitcoin's native assets into a virtual machine can we expect innovation. If it were all about Ethereum, there would be no innovation in Bitcoin.

At present, the total market value of Bitcoin-related assets is only about US$4 billion. Compared with the market value of Bitcoin, there is still a long way to go. We need to embrace these assets and users, and then explore model innovation with them.

The first Launchpad we are going to launch is the People's Launchpad made by Particle, which will follow the BRC-20 protocol and bring some innovations in the issuance of Bitcoin's native assets.

Technically, we feel that EVM compatible is not an innovation, everyone is EVM compatible. Our innovation is to build our own cross-chain bridge, so we can cross-chain any assets we want to cross-chain, such as Bitmap and BRC-420 , ARC-420, currently has no other chain support except ours. The other is that we built ZK Rollup, further compressed the size of ZK proof, and built a DA Layer that inherits the security of Bitcoin. These will be displayed in our GitBook. But in fact, many teams are exploring this direction with us. Things that have not yet been launched can hardly be said to be our own technological innovation.

On the ecological side, we have People's Launchpad, Mineral, Bitmap War, and MOBOX games. We hope to serve more of this existing Bitcoin ecological product, because these communities are active and easy to start, gain traffic and revenue.

Jeff talks about the future prospects of Merlin Chain and Bitcoin ecosystem

BlockBeats: How will the launch method of Merlin Chain be different from other projects?

但是人們的Launchpad會沿著比特幣一層類似的發行方式,可以降低成本,讓持有者變多,還能讓整個發行的過程變得更加更加。其上發行的所有代幣都會採用10萬美元的估值發行。大家可能對於Merlin Chain 的期望很高,覺得應該是億甚至幾十億的市值水平,但我們仍然會拿出一定的捐款,在People's Launchpad 上按照10 萬美元的估值進行公平發射。


BlockBeats:Merlin Chain近期會有新消息嗎?未來的路線圖是怎麼樣的?






BlockBeats:您覺得在比特幣生態的發展中,Merlin Chain 會扮演什麼樣的角色?會如何賦能比特幣的專案和資產?

當生態有了一定的流動性之後,交易量、用戶、DeFi基礎設施逐漸成熟之後,比特幣的持有者甚至巨鯨就有機會使用比特幣單一資產進行生息,從而放大流動性。透過服務原有資產、最初用戶,把交易量做大,由此來反向吸引比特幣,OG們把錢交換來生息理財,實現正向循環,這就是 Merlin Chain 嘗試的事情。


