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分析師表示 2024 年牛市將與以往不同,並透露了他的三大牛市選擇

喊叫聲取代了竊竊私語。一波看漲情緒正在湧動。一位知名分析師做出了令人震驚的預測,即 2024 年將出現破紀錄的加密貨幣牛市。

「忘記 2021 年的拋物線飆升吧,」他說,「我們即將見證一場持續、多元化的上漲,這將重新定義這個新興資產類別的可能性。”

然而,面對月球探險和估值飆升的可能性,做出投資決定可能會很困難。但不用擔心,這位受人尊敬的分析師還披露了他在這次歷史性牛市中的前三名選擇,而 Retik Finance (RETIK) 是一個意想不到的領跑者,佔據了中心舞台。

瑞提克金融 (RETIK)

Retik Finance 在 DeFi 領域的快速崛起並非沒有引起人們的注意。 Retik Finance 以其前瞻性的視角、尖端的服務以及對改變金融格局的堅定奉獻,吸引了分析師和投資者的興趣。

Retik Finance 是一個創新平台,旨在建立完全去中心化的金融生態系統,有效縮小加密貨幣領域與 Visa 和萬事達借記卡等傳統法定應用程式之間的鴻溝。透過以安全高效的智慧合約取代金融交易中的第三方中介機構(例如銀行和中間商),Retik Finance 致力於為用戶提供一個不僅更加透明而且值得信賴的金融環境。

Retik Finance 的創新解決方案和富有遠見的方法使其如此具有吸引力。每個實用程序,例如Retik Pay、Retik DeFi 借記卡和Retik 的心跳Retik Wallet,都是朝著創建更加開放、包容和有效的金融生態系統邁出的一步,並且滿足了想要成為金融生態系統的投資者的目標。數位革命的一部分。

隨著加密貨幣產業興奮地等待萬眾矚目的 2024 年牛市,Retik Finance 成為人們關注的焦點。在正在進行的預售中取得逐步成功後,Retik Finance 已做好準備,在該領域取得前所未有的成功。在分析師的支持下,Retik Finance 準備好引領投資者向以價格大幅升值、前景廣闊和 DeFi 領域革命性擴張為特徵的未來過渡。

其他支持 Retik Finance 牛市立場的原因包括:

Bullish Presale Momentum: The triumph of Retik Finance’s presale phases bears witness to the trust that investors have in the platform and its optimistic growth. The Analyst draws attention to the tremendous response from investors, who have poured in more money than anticipated. This spike in interest indicates a change in attitude toward creative enterprises in the cryptocurrency space as well as confidence in Retik Finance’s potential as it continues to receive widespread support from all angles at stage 7 of the presale.

Institutional Backing: Retik Finance has gained the support of notable players in the traditional finance space who have seen the huge potential reserved in Retik’s crypto bridging with real-world utility.

Solana (SOL)

Solana has gained a devoted following thanks to its lightning-fast transaction rates and negligible costs. Envision instantaneously verifying purchases and transferring money across the world at the speed of light (this is the advantage of Solana). Apart from its speed, the eminent Analyst highlights Solana’s thriving ecosystem which is full of Web 3.0 projects, DeFi applications, and NFTs as a big lure for investors. To pummelled Solana for the anticipated bull run in the upcoming months, he highlights the network’s scalability, claiming that its special architecture can handle millions of transactions per second and this feature is going to increase the demand for SOL, thereby increasing its value.

Chainlink (LINK)

Another bull run winner, in this analyst’s opinion, is Chainlink, the decentralised oracle network that links blockchain technology with real-world data. He goes on to say that Chainlink serves as the vital conduit between smart contracts and outside data, allowing them to carry out decisions based on actual occurrences. Chainlink’s significance and value are predicted to soar as DeFi and other blockchain applications depend more and more on real-world data in 2024.


The upcoming bull run is expected to completely alter the cryptocurrency market. It’s important to keep a careful eye on the progress, with Retik Finance emerging as a front-runner alongside Chainlink and Solana. Thus, buckle up, explorers of the cryptocurrency world, and get ready for an exciting journey in 2024, by all means, have a portfolio filled with these tokens to reap the benefits!

Click Here To Take Part In Retik Finance Presale

Visit the links below for more information about Retik Finance (RETIK):

Website: https://retik.com

Whitepaper: https://retik.com/retik-whitepaper.pdf

Linktree: https://linktr.ee/retikfinance

The post Analyst Says 2024 Bull Run Will Be Unlike Anything Seen Before, Reveals His Top 3 Bull Picks appeared first on Crypto News Land.


