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柴犬能打敗狗狗幣嗎? 2024 年預測與展望

柴犬能打敗狗狗幣嗎? 2024 年預測與展望

柴犬能打敗狗狗幣嗎? 2024 年預測與展望

SHIB 月度價格走勢圖 |資料來源:CoinMarketCap

這些發展促使人們對 SHIB 的生態系統動態及其對柴犬價格預測的影響進行更仔細的研究。

柴犬對 Shibdentity 和 Shibarium 成長的關注

2024 年,Shiba Inu 的一個關鍵亮點是對 Shibdentity 的重視,這是一個旨在徹底改變 web3 生態系統中的數位識別的概念。為了確保 Shibdentity 的廣泛採用和用戶友好性,Shiba Inu 與專注於網域基礎設施的 D3 Global 合作。

類似於以太坊名稱服務(ENS),透過以用戶友好的名稱替換複雜的錢包地址來簡化以太坊用戶體驗,Shibdentity 旨在在 Shiba Inu 生態系統中提供類似的解決方案。例如,用戶可以將 SHIB 代幣發送到 trump.shib,而不是將其發送到 0x1234ABCD5678EFGH91011IJKL12131415MNO16P 等錢包地址。

柴犬能打敗狗狗幣嗎? 2024 年預測與展望

Shibarium 生態系更新快照 |資料來源:Shibarium Scan

同時,柴犬的二層區塊鏈平台Shibarium 自2023 年8 月主網上線以來經歷了顯著增長。根據該項目截至2 月2 日的數據,它已處理超過3.28 億筆交易,產生超過290 萬個區塊,並累計近 135 萬個錢包位址。

此外,柴犬平台在減少代幣供應方面取得了顯著進展。根據最新數據,初始供應量共 410.7 兆個 SHIB 代幣被銷毀。

柴犬能打敗狗狗幣嗎? 2024 年預測與展望

SHIB供應及銷毀供應快照|來源:Shib Burn


影響 2024 年柴犬價格預測的因素

A combination of factors influences Shiba Inu price predictions in 2024, each playing a role in shaping its market dynamics.

The fate of SHIB’s price prediction is closely tied to the performance of Shibarium. Features such as improved scalability, enhanced transactions per second, and the implementation of an automatedSHIB token burnportal are expected to be crucial in 2024.

Additionally, the SHIB market is highly sensitive to influences, especially from social media hype. For instance, pasttweets from high-profile individuals like Elon Musk, known for swaying crypto prices, have significantly impacted SHIB’s value. This vulnerability could alter SHIB’s price trajectory in the future.

Furthermore, SHIB’s involvement in the metaverse is anotherkey factor. Its integration into gaming and virtual world projects adds a new dimension of utility and engagement. The development of metaverse-related applications, such as the Shiba Inu metaverse project ‘Shib the Metaverse’, could open up new avenues for adoption and utility, potentially enhancing SHIB’s appeal beyond its status as a meme coin.

Factors Influencing Shiba Inu’s Evolution

The evolution ofShiba Inu from a meme tokento a more established project hinges on the growth of its utility and decentralized applications (dapps).

ShibaSwap, its decentralized exchange (DEX), needs expanded usage fortrading SHIB and other tokensto boost liquidity and accessibility. Similarly, the success of the ShiboshisNFT collectionand Shiba Eternity, the play-to-earn game, will be crucial for Shiba Inu’s growth.

Additionally, forShiba Inuto thrive, tokens like BONE and LEASH must gain broader significance by supporting governance and participating in metaverse land initiatives.

Another crucial factor is the upcomingBitcoin halvingin 2024. This event reduces the reward formining Bitcoinby half, potentially affecting the entire crypto market, including SHIB. As such, the 2024 Bitcoin halving could indirectly impact Shiba Inu’s price by fostering bullish market sentiment or increasing overall market volatility.

Short-Term Shiba Inu Price Prediction

In the short term, theShiba Inu coin price predictionappears to be experiencing volatility.According to CoinCodex, aforecast suggestsa decline to $0.000007733 by Feb. 13, indicating a notable drop from its current price.

However, the trajectory isn’t solely downward. CoinCodex alsopredicts a rebound to around $0.000009785 by March2.

It’s important to remember that Shiba Inu crypto price predictions are often speculative and should be taken with caution. Hence, when considering the SHIB price prediction or any investment in the crypto market, it’s crucial to conduct your own research and not rely solely on forecasts, which can be incorrect.

Shiba Inu Price Predictions Across Different Timeframes

Looking ahead, the Shiba Inu price prediction for 2024 presents a varied landscape according to different algorithmic forecasting tools.

數位硬幣價格 (DCP) 預測潛在價格為 0.0000181 美元,表明該硬幣的前景看漲。相比之下,Wallet Investor (WI) 給出了更保守的估計,預計價格約為 0.000004030 美元。轉向 2025 年柴犬價格預測,趨勢似乎傾向逐步成長。

DCP 對 2025 年的預測約為 0.0000224 美元,顯示較 2024 年的預測可能有所增加。然而,WI 的分析提供了截然不同的觀點,預測價格要低得多,為 0.000000745 美元。從長期角度來看,2030 年柴犬的價格預測顯示出一個有趣的範圍。

DCP 樂觀地預測價格為 0.0000644 美元,表明 SHIB 在過去十年中呈現強勁的成長軌跡。同時,CoinCodex 提供了更廣泛的範圍,其預測範圍從最低 0.00004705 美元到最高 0.00008868 美元。







