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PEPE 是否有退貨限製?鏈上指標給出答案

隨著更多最近更有趣的迷因貨幣走到了最前沿,PEPE 迷因貨幣似乎已經被推到了幕後。

先前關注以太坊環境的注意力已轉移到其他生態系統模因貨幣,例如 BONK 和其他 Solana 生態系統模因幣。



PEPE 是這些市場的領導者之一,它可能即將回歸。


鏈上指示是一種可用於了解投資者興趣是否轉向某種加密貨幣(在本例中為 PEPE)的方法。





因此,透過檢視投資者在 X(以前稱為 Twitter)等社交媒體網站上對 PEPE 的評價,人們可以對下一步價格走向有一個公平的認識。

PEPE 是否有退貨限製?鏈上指標給出答案

根據鏈上分析追蹤器 Santiment 產生的加權情緒,PEPE 似乎處於相當積極的位置。

該指標考慮了上週社交媒體網站上對 PEPE 的提及,它表明與模因貨幣相關的積極情緒大幅增加。


此外,這與最大的 PEPE 鯨魚的持有量大幅增加相對應,這表明了以目前水準進行收購的願望。


One of the PEPE metrics that has witnessed a substantial growth in recent times is the Weighted Sentiment, but it is not the only one. Similarly, the daily trading volume for the meme currency has been increasing as well. This trend is consistent with the previous one. According to information provided by CoinMarketCap, the volume of the meme currency has increased by around 62% over the course of the previous day, bringing it to $89.8 million at the time of this writing.

This kind of increase in volume may indicate either buying or selling, but the fact that the price of PEPE has managed to remain stable over this length of time shows that there is more purchasing than selling going on. When this is taken into consideration, it may indicate that bulls have finally established support and have designated $0.0000009 as a buy level. The meme coin might be aiming for a rebound to $0.000001, which would translate to a 10% rise from here if this overall optimistic feeling continues. At this point, the meme coin is now trading at $0.000001.

PEPE has fallen out of its precarious position as the third-largest meme currency in the space as a result of its loss over the course of the last month. After competitors such as BONK and CorgiAI, it is now occupying the sixth place in the rankings.


