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人工智慧預測 3 種加密貨幣將在未來 5 年內產生巨額財富

經過幾年的不景氣之後,Chainlink 正計劃凱旋歸來。



我認為向人工智慧平台詢問可以讓你致富的加密想法會是一種有趣的消遣,即使我們都對加密貨幣市場有自己的想法。五年對我來說似乎是一個合理的時間,所以我將用它作為任何看漲故事的起點。此外,我要求 ChatGPT 不要以任何方式提及比特幣或以太坊。



首先,我將解釋 ChatGPT 所說的內容,然後我將提供我的解釋。言歸正傳,以下是機器人認為可以讓你致富的加密貨幣。

根據 ChatGPT 的說法,Chainlink 的目標之一是將智慧合約與現實世界的數據連結起來。它允許以太坊智慧合約與第三方 API、資料儲存庫和支付處理器安全地通訊。去中心化應用程式(DApp)的開發和區塊鏈技術的更廣泛接受取決於此功能。

我持有 Chainlink 純屬巧合;我在 2021 年高峰期賣出後重新進入市場。最近最有趣的加密貨幣之一是 LINK,從 2 月 6 日凌晨開始,它在上週上漲了 26%。在撰寫本文時,它的表現比大多數其他潛在的加密貨幣更好,這些加密貨幣可能會讓您在這段時間內變得富有。

人工智慧預測 3 種加密貨幣將在未來 5 年內產生巨額財富

從數學角度來說,LINK 是一種有趣的加密貨幣。 2018年最高週業績漲幅為111.2%,最差週業績跌幅為-50.51%。但 2021 年和 2022 年的最大損失大於當年的最大收益。然後,去年,故事發生了逆轉。


ChatGPT 表示,Polkadot 是一個「多鏈區塊鏈平台,使不同的區塊鏈能夠以無需信任的方式傳輸訊息和價值;它的目標是為不同的區塊鏈提供一種互通的方式」。以太坊聯合創始人 Gavin Wood 博士創立了 Polkadot,旨在解決區塊鏈的可擴展性和互通性問題。

人工智慧預測 3 種加密貨幣將在未來 5 年內產生巨額財富

Even while DOT was a temptingly risky investment a few months ago, it hasn't done well as of late. Over the last week, DOT lost about four percent of its value. Polkadot lost over 2% of its market value in the twenty-four hours after the start of the trading day on Tuesday. Still, the virtual currency market is known to attract contrarians whenever there is red ink.

According to the numbers, Polkadot had a fantastic 2020. The DOT reached a high of 95.34% when comparing performance from week to week. With a decline of "only" 18.24%, even the lowest point was tolerable. There was a 7.21 percent increase in performance for DOT stakeholders on a weekly basis throughout this cycle. The bulls reclaimed control last year, despite the fact that things turned nasty in 2022. This may be a fascinating time for Polkadot going ahead. Cryptocurrency is a great way to amass wealth.


According to ChatGPT, Cardano (ADA-USD) is a new platform for blockchain technology that will make it easier to build decentralized apps and smart contracts on top of an already existing infrastructure. Prominent features include an emphasis on academic research, openness, and a scientific, peer-reviewed method of development. You may use Cardano's ADA coin to conduct transactions and have a say in the platform's administration.

人工智慧預測 3 種加密貨幣將在未來 5 年內產生巨額財富

Cardano has lately met opposition, despite its recent revival in the blockchain industry. There was a more than 7% decline in ADA within the last week. Starting at the crack of dawn on Tuesday, the popular cryptocurrency lost little more than one percent of its value in the last twenty-four hours. However, the staunch supporters will remain unconvinced.

This is another intriguing mathematical possibility for cryptos to increase your wealth. A weekly gain of 365.19% was its best showing in 2017. While its once-stellar performance has leveled off, the size of its largest yearly gain has consistently outpaced the size of its largest yearly loss (expressed as a percentage). That tells me that Cardano has bullish sentiment, something I must confess I didn't see earlier.


