距離關鍵時刻越來越近,自稱「狗狗幣殺手」的柴犬(SHIB)興奮地搖著尾巴。 這種迷因貨幣以其龐大的社區和有趣的品牌而聞名,即將突破關鍵阻力位,這可能會釋放新一波看漲勢頭。 觀察柴犬在盈利能力集群附近的 定價點 SHIB 現在徘徊在 0.00001 美元的水平附近,這不僅僅是一個數字。 這個價格點不僅僅意味著一個數字。 SHIB代幣的數量達到驚人的1.3萬億,這些都是早期投資者購買的代幣。 這個「獲利集群」是加密貨幣的重要組成部分。 這群人的鬥爭已經持續了很長一段時間,買家和賣家都希望能推高價格,而賣家則希望套現。
然而,這似乎是一個轉捩點。 分析師表示,獲利集群中包含的代幣數量正在逐漸減少,這表明賣家施加的壓力正在減少。 再加上集群本身規模正在縮小,使得環境更有利於 SHIB 的發展。 這不僅僅是可能發生在 0.00001 美元以上的技術突破; 這也是一種心理上的突破。 如果這個障礙被克服,它將向市場傳遞一個訊息:SHIB有能力超越其作為迷因貨幣的地位,並確立自己作為合法產業參與者的地位。 統計數據似乎是一致的。 根據IntoTheBlock獲得的信息,大戶的到來大幅增加,鯨魚在短短兩天內就積累了驚人的2.31萬億SHIB。 因此,這表明關鍵參與者表現出了更大的興趣和參與度,這可能會推動這一成長。 SHIB 鯨魚湧入的看漲勢頭正在增強。 大股東購買數量的意外增加是一個強有力的看漲跡象,表明鯨魚正在為巨額利潤做好準備,並且他們認識到 SHIB 的價值。
But is this nothing more than a bunch of lies, or is there any truth to the rumors? Even if the future of SHIB is still unknown, there are a number of elements that are supporting its case:⭐Community Strength: SHIB is known for having a community that is both enthusiastic and outspoken, and it is sometimes attributed as being the driving force behind its price rallies via sheer excitement and a presence on social media.⭐Exchange Listings: The meme currency has been able to gain listings on major exchanges like as Kraken and Coinbase, contributing to an increase in its accessibility and attractiveness to the general public.⭐ShibaSwap Ecosystem: The SHIB team is actively creating its own decentralized exchange, which is called ShibaSwap, as well as other initiatives, which may provide use and long-term value.As the intended breaking of the 1.3 trillion SHIB barrier has been the focus center of attention, it has become a symbol of a key moment for this meme currency. It would seem like Shiba Inu is on the verge of making a huge jump ahead, given the recent rise in large-holder inflow and the possibility of a technical breakthrough over critical resistance levels.