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近期反彈後 Solana 價格的預測

在另類加密貨幣市場和整個加密貨幣行業經歷了一個成功的周末後,Solana 的價格在過去 24 小時內下跌了 4.5%,回落至 104.89 美元。


此外,該貨幣比前一年實現了令人震驚的 400% 漲幅。

考慮到 SOL 在過去幾個月中上漲的幅度,根據跡象,該代幣是否可能經歷更多調整是值得商榷的。

儘管如此,研究人員預計,由於比特幣 ETF 資金流入增加,加密貨幣市場將變得更加積極。

這表明 SOL 在經歷小幅下滑後可能會出現更顯著的上漲。

看看 SOL 的圖表,可以想像,該貨幣在不久的將來可能會出現更多下跌,至少如果根據其跡象來判斷的話。

近期反彈後 Solana 價格的預測

Particularly noticeable is the fact that its relative strength index (purple) has dropped from about 65 to 55 over the course of the last day or two, which indicates a distinct loss of momentum.However, its 30-day moving average (yellow) is in a more mixed situation, with the average still increasing marginally above the 200-day average (blue). This is despite the fact that the aforementioned statement is true.It is possible that the two later might wind up lowering during the next one or two weeks due to the fact that the present price of SOL is decreasing towards the 30-day.On the other hand, given that SOL's support level (green) has been able to withstand significant dips since December, it is quite likely that it will not fall very far. This suggests that the present correction should not be too severe.The reason for SOL's gains over the weekend – which today's decrease hasn't even impacted too much - is because Bitcoin ETF volumes have significantly lifted the market and trader confidence, which has had a good influence on the majority of altcoins as well.However, despite the fact that SOL seems to be in a solid position in the medium and long run, traders must be aware of the chance that there may be another outage.After almost a year of uninterrupted service, the Solana blockchain had a downtime of around five hours last week. This event raised questions about whether or not the network had completely recovered from the problems that occurred in 2022.At the present, it seems that only a small number of traders are very troubled by the current outage; nevertheless, if anything like occurs in a reasonably short period of time, the price of Solana might suffer a significant damage.#sol #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic


