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為什麼這些 Dapp 使用 Pyth Oracle 價格信息

Pyth Network 席捲了區塊鏈世界,迅速成為滿足各種去中心化應用程式即時資料需求的首選平台。現在它為 50 多個區塊鏈上的 dApp 提供鏈上和鏈下數據,改變了它們與世界互動的方式。

預言機將在區塊鏈的未來中發揮至關重要的作用。隨著 Web3 變得越來越流行,dApp 將需要一種方法來獲取有關現實世界中正在發生的事情的準確資訊。如果沒有預言機,區塊鏈就無法了解在自己的封閉網路之外發生的事情。預言機將區塊鏈從其限制中解放出來,使它們能夠存取其他鏈甚至傳統資料庫中的資料。

最早的區塊鏈預言機幫助改變了 dApp 的世界,透過從各種資料來源抓取資料來賦予它們新的功能。現在,Pyth Network 正在開創一個新時代,預言機的能力比以往任何時候都更快、更準確。

與其他預言機只能每隔幾分鐘甚至有時甚至幾小時刷新一次資料來源不同,Pyth 依靠速度極快的 Solana 每幾百毫秒刷新一次資料來源。

使用 Pyth 的熱門協議

對於 Web3 開發者社群來說,沒有什麼比存取即時數據更有價值的了,這也解釋了為什麼 Pyth 已經從幾乎無人問津成為所有加密貨幣中最受歡迎的預言機之一。根據 DeFiLlama 的數據,Pyth 目前是排名第二的預言機,佔據全球所有由預言機支援的去中心化交易所 (DEX) 交易量的 48%。

區塊鏈開發人員越來越依賴 Pyth 為他們提供有關世界上正在發生的事情的最新信息,因此讓我們來看看使用其服務的一些頂級項目及其對他們的影響。

Pyth 8 個月前跨鏈今天,Pyth 佔據了所有 DEX 交易量的 48% pic.twitter.com/7a4sjW3Axq

- Pyth Network (@PythNetwork) 2023 年 8 月 7 日

1. Synthetix 的樂觀主義

Synthetix 是一個去中心化的流動性層,最初部署在以太坊上,然後切換到 O​​ptimism 區塊鏈。它充當兩條鏈上一些最受歡迎和最著名的 DeFi 協議的流動性後端,使權益持有者能夠提供流動性並抵押一套合成資產,並因此獲得獎勵。

Synthetix 提供的流動性用於承銷基於預言機價格的合成資產和永續期貨的交易,並且消除了對傳統訂單簿或交易對手的需要。因此,其流動性是可組合的且可替代的,並且滑點也幾乎被消除。

Synthetix integrated with Pyth’s oracles following the launch of its Perps V2 upgrade in December 2022, enabling it to tap into Pyth data to power its ETH-Perps market. Since then, Synthetix Perps has grown to support more than 80 different digital assets and reach more than $40 billion in trading volume. Synthetix on Optimism is one of the most successful users of Pyth’s low-latency price feeds, and it has adopted the network as its primary off-chain data source.

2. LayerBank on Manta/Scroll/Linea

LayerBank is an EVM-compatible lending protocol built on the Linea blockchain. It provides a decentralized market that gives users complete control over their funds, with competitive interest rates that benefit both lenders and borrowers. Individuals can contribute digital assets to LayerBank, borrow funds and earn $LAB tokens as rewards.

LayerBank’s price feeds are fully derived from Pyth’s oracles, and its reliability has powered the project’s rapid expansion to additional networks including Manta and Scroll.

3. MarginFi on Solana

MarginFi is an over-collateralized lending and borrowing protocol built on Solana. With it, users can deposit various digital assets as collateral in order to borrow other assets against those deposits.

With a current total value locked of more than $18 million, MarginFi supports borrowing and lending for 12 assets, including $wSOL, $mSOL, $UXD, $JitoSOL, $USDC, $stSOL, $USDT, $ETH, $wBTC, $BONK, $HNT and $bSOL.

The protocol uses Pyth’s data fees indirectly via integrated trading protocols. According to Pyth, this enables MarginFi to ensure its price feeds are always up to date. In addition, Pyth’s confidence intervals enable MarginFi to design robust mechanisms that protect its users from third-party asset and exchange issues. It uses Pyth to track the price of supported asset types, and also to access additional data points that support its lending and risk management architecture.

4. Drift on Solana

An open-source DEX based on Solana, Drift Protocol is designed to enable transparent and non-custodial digital asset trading. The platform’s aim is to merge the friendly user-experience of CEX platforms with the unparalleled autonomy and transparency of DEXs to provide traders with the best of both worlds. It’s an appealing combination that has allowed Drift to become the largest perpetuals trading DEX on Solana, processing more than $11 billion in trading volume since its launch.

One of the reasons for Drift’s success is the diversity of markets it offers, which is due to its reliance on Pyth’s price feeds. It provides access to 15 markets across assets such as BTC, ETH, SOL, BONK, HNT and others. Recently, Drift added new perpetual markets for ARB and SUI on the very first day those chains launched their mainnets, underscoring the ability of Pyth to add new data sources as soon as they become available.

When Pyth launched its JITO/SOL price feed, Drift reciprocated and added a corresponding market to its platform in the same day, enabling JITO to be used as collateral. Drift also takes advantage of Pyth’s confidence interval functionality to respond to extreme market volatility and protect its users.

5. Kamino on Solana

Kamino Finance is a DeFi protocol that’s designed to make it as easy as possible for users to earn passive income from their crypto savings by providing liquidity. It describes itself as a first-of-its-kind DeFi application that unifies the concepts of lending, liquidity and leverage into a single product. It incorporates a wide range of financial applications, including borrowing, debt issuance, liquidity provision, beta-phase multiply, leveraged transactions and more, and best of all it presents them in a way that’s supposedly easy for novices to understand.

Kamino says it relies on a number of oracle data feeds, but the primary one is Pyth, which provides it with up-to-the-second data on prices for mainnet tokens including $USDC, $USDT, $SOL and $stSOL.

6. Navi on Sui

Navi is a liquidity protocol at its core and it claims to act as the beating heart of Sui’s growing DeFi ecosystem. It provides a multifaceted approach that empowers users to seamlessly borrow and lend a wide range of digital assets, providing enhanced liquidity and efficiency to benefit Sui’s entire ecosystem.

One thing that sets Navi apart from similar protocols is the way it draws inspiration from Aave, one of the best-known DeFi protocols on Ethereum. Aave’s influence is woven into the fabric of its design, and users of that platform will feel right at home both in the sense of its user-interface and the functionality it offers. However, Navi is also a forward-thinking protocol that positions itself as an early adopter of new trends and technological advancements.

As such, it’s little wonder that Navi has turned to Pyth for its low-latency price feeds, allowing it to efficiently and accurately reflect the true value of digital assets. Thanks to Pyth’s incredible accuracy, Navi is uniquely positioned to enforce platform security mechanisms such as timely liquidations and protect its users.

7. Thala on Aptos

Thala is a DeFi protocol that’s native to the Aptos blockchain, and its platform revolves around three main products, namely Thala Swap, Thala LSD and Move Dollar. The protocol currently boasts more than $100 million in total value locked, and is uniquely both a user of Pyth’s data feeds and a data supplier.

Pyth welcomed Thala as a data provider in January 2024, saying that the partnership enables Thala to contribute to its DEX market data for multiple digital assets. It’s a key partnership for Pyth that enables it to support price feeds for a number of tokens built on Aptos, including $THL and $MOD, which is Thala’s overcollateralized stablecoin.

8. Mars on Osmosis/Neutron

Mars 是一個面向未來的非託管、開源、社群治理的演算法信用協議,提供任何人都可以存取的全自動鏈上信用設施。它最初是建立在命運多舛的 Terra 區塊鏈上的,並被認為是極其新穎的,因為它使用的利率是根據利用率通過演算法定價的,從而實現了更高的響應能力和資本效率。

Terra 崩潰後,Mars 遷移到 Cosmos 主網,然後在 Osmosis 上啟動,後來又在 Neutron 上啟動。它推出了一項名為 Farm Vaults 的獨特功能,使流動性提供者能夠增加他們的獎勵。

負責火星社區治理的 DAO 火星委員會於 2023 年 6 月選擇 Pyth 作為其價格反饋的主要數據預言機。該委員會當時表示,選擇 Pyth 是因為它具有使用多種數據的能力。價格來源提供更準確的數據,提高其抵禦價格操縱攻擊的穩健性。 Mars表示,Pyth數據的整合為其提供了一個千載難逢的機會,可以完善和加強其預言機機制,並確保更準確、更可靠的資產定價。

9. 單射螺旋

我們名單上的最後一個協議是Helix,它是一個跨鏈加密資產和永續市場的無限制交易平台,具有業界領先的回扣。 Helix 旨在透過完全重新設計的 DEX 體驗、更先進的訂單類型和卓越的獎勵追蹤功能徹底改變 Injective 的 DeFi 生態系統。

Helix 在 Injective 區塊鏈上建立了其協議,因為它能夠支援來自以太坊、Cosmos、EVMOS 和 Moonbeam 生態系統的數位資產。它支援廣泛的橋接資產和加密錢包,以實現簡化和無縫的交易體驗。

Helix 利用 Pyth 提供的 200 多個價格來源,涵蓋數位資產、股票、商品和外匯對。透過與 Pyth 及其低延遲資料來源集成,Helix 能夠有效計算其衍生性商品市場的每小時資金費率。



