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本月早些時候,Ripple 宣布收購數位資產託管公司 Standard Custody & Trust Company。



由於 Ripple 的收購,XRP 的價格可能會上漲。

Ripple 於 2 月 13 日星期二公開了收購 Standard Custody 的正式協議,旨在不斷擴大其產品範圍並尋求戰略收購,以充分利用該行業現在和未來的可能性。

No Know Your Customer (KYC) 賭場和體育博彩提供高達 300% 的比賽獎金以及 175 次免費旋轉和現金返還,無需下注。

現在就來 ROLR.IO 玩吧!

透過收購 Standard Custody,Ripple 展現了其致力於為客戶提供高品質服務的決心,同時促進 Ripple 生態系統的擴展和安全。

透過使用數位資產託管機構,Ripple 能夠提供 XRP 等數位資產的私密且受保護的儲存和管理。


這種增強的信心可能會吸引主要機構投資者進入 XRP 生態系統,這可能會導致需求增加並隨後導致 XRP 價格上漲。


儘管市場趨勢一直積極有利,但由於加密貨幣的價格連續幾個月穩定在 0.5 美元左右,投資者的觀點和信心發生了變化。

此外,XRP 社群的一些成員提出指控,稱該貨幣被故意壓制。

有鑑於此,Ripple 計劃進行的策略性收購有可能起到催化劑的作用,這將導致 XRP 價格上漲。

數位資產託管人有可能在 XRP 生態系統內帶來一定程度的穩定性,從而解決目前影響生態系統的監管問題。

因此,這可能會對 XRP 的整體看法產生有利影響,這將吸引積極的情緒和機構投資者,也可能有助於價格的上漲。

XRP 社區出現分裂 疑慮的出現

The XRP community has continued to express their worries on the depressed status of the cryptocurrency, despite the fact that Ripple has just made an announcement and that the purchase may have the ability to have beneficial effects on the ecosystem. An XRP supporter and investor who goes by the name "MackAttackXRP" on X (which was formerly known as Twitter) expressed skepticism in response to a statement made by Ripple Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Brad Garlinghouse regarding the company's plans to acquire Standard Custody. He stated that Ripple's recent developments were not sufficient to generate a positive impact on the price of XRP.


The price of XRP has been "structurally too low for the past five years," according to Mack, who disclosed this information. He added that there has been a significant movement in opinions among members of the XRP community, with some individuals choosing to exchange their XRP for other cryptocurrencies that have more potential or to leave the market entirely. An more member of the XRP community voiced his dissatisfaction with the price of the cryptocurrency. He disclosed that a big number of devoted fans of XRP are beginning to lose confidence for the cryptocurrency and may be contemplating departing before any major price hikes for XRP occur.


