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2024 年留意這兩款產品:Celestia (TIA) 和 Scapesmania (MANIA)

  • 留意
  • 2024-02-16 19:24:24
  • 57

加密貨幣市場正處於重大轉變的邊緣,比特幣 (BTC) 價格在 2 月份兩年多來首次突破 50,000 美元大關,預示著 2024 年可能出現看漲趨勢。這種上漲趨勢得到了以下因素的支持:近期BTC交易所交易基金(ETF)開綠燈,釋放了一波機構需求,推動市場前景向好。圍繞 2024 年 4 月即將到來的比特幣減半事件的傳言也增添了人們的興奮感,因為預計這將影響供需平衡,可能導致價格顯著上漲。投資者在這一事件之前搶先一步,在減半的預期中積累了大量比特幣,這表明對市場未來成長的強烈信心。現貨比特幣 ETF 的推出也是一個關鍵因素,推出後短短一個月內就吸引了超過 28 億美元的淨流入,凸顯了機構對加密貨幣的興趣日益濃厚。這些發展表明比特幣和更廣泛的加密貨幣市場未來充滿希望,預計將出現大幅增長和更廣泛的接受度。

這種動態環境為非常具體的項目的潛在爆炸性增長創造了良好的條件。我們盡力挑選出此類項目,並為您提供最令人興奮的項目清單。選擇以下代幣是因為它們正在進行的活動和預期的成長範圍,同時也考慮了當前的市場趨勢和未來 3-4 個月的預期進展。

ScapesMania 不斷升級!

到目前為止,對於 ScapesMania 來說這是一次令人難以置信的旅程。該加密項目已經籌集了必要的資金,以推動自己進入市場,準備擴張。雖然從加密鯨魚收集的總金額超過 600 萬美元或多次超過 20,000 美元的存款在紙面上看起來確實令人印象深刻,但這些只是數字。該計畫成功的真正動力在於其充滿活力和熱情的社區,超過 60,000 人。

2024 年留意這兩款產品:Celestia (TIA) 和 Scapesmania (MANIA)

這不僅僅是關於 f;還有。這是關於共同願景、積極參與和 DAO 治理。一直以來,也永遠是擁有者的雙手,擁有所有的力量。


未來看起來異常光明,尤其是考慮到 ScapesMania 前景廣闊的休閒遊戲市場。到 2029 年,預計將突破驚人的 275.6 億美元大關,你猜怎麼著? ScapesMania 將處於快速發展的利基市場的最前沿。

Through DAO and several other features, ScapesMania invites Web3 enthusiasts to leverage the growth opportunities within the sector as it’s projected to grow by almost 9% before the year’s end. There’s an upcoming TGE that you won’t want to miss, so mark your calendars: February 26, 2024 – March 09, 2024.

Also, the project’s CEO, in a recent AMA, outlined the strategy for building a cutting-edge gaming ecosystem. No detail will be overlooked in the process – from the initial concept to the final product, including testing with target audiences, analyzing results, and making incremental changes. This, coupled with buyback, burn, and staking mechanics can push the token to the moon.

Why Go with ScapesMania?

In addition to the upsides mentioned above, you can also potentially boost your returns thanks to the following perks:

  • Great post-listing marketing strategy to ensure continued community engagement and higher demand.

  • Solid token management plan to hopefully ensure stability and long-term growth potential for every token holder.

  • TGE on the best market conditions for maximum potential returns within the shortest time frame.

  • Limited numbers of tokens and circulating NFTs, which means that scarcity could seriously increase token value over time.

  • Expanding holder’s portfolio with new projects. Diversification can be extremely beneficial.

  • Well-balanced tokenomics with cliff and vesting. A structured vesting schedule prevents token dumping, ensuring a steady supply and demand equilibrium.

  • Listing on DEXs and CEXs. Access to exchanges provides liquidity and accessibility, which means you can capitalize on any opportunity instantly.

  • Successful audit by BlockSafu, top positions on crypto trackers. Confidence in the project’s security and integrity as well as increased visibility attract more holders.

Best Part About ScapesMania

But here’s the best part – if you missed out on the presale or public sale, fret not! This is just the beginning of this project’s successful journey. Get your crypto wallets ready to connect because once ScapesMania’s listed, you’ll have the opportunity to join the project and enjoy the potential returns.

In fact, joining at this time might even be more advantageous than during the past sales. Why? Because you’ll be entering at a point when the vision is clearer, the momentum stronger, and the potential greater than ever before. Furthermore, your possible returns may increase exponentially as it is easier to chip in with a larger sum for a listed project, compared to a presale one.

Get In or Miss Out

Why hesitate any longer? Do not miss your chance this time round – click the link below to link up your wallet, sign up for announcements, and join a potentially once-in-a-lifetime project.

>>> Get Listing Alerts – Don’t Miss Your Chance <<<

Celestia (TIA): A New Era in Blockchain Efficiency

Celestia (TIA) has recently become the center of attention in the cryptocurrency world, with its price soaring by 50% in just a week. Despite a slight decrease of 2.43% in the last 24 hours, the optimism surrounding Celestia (TIA) potential to hit the $50 mark within the year remains high among investors. This enthusiasm is fueled by the project’s innovative approach and the growing activity in staking, marking Celestia (TIA) as a project with significant promise in the crypto landscape.

As of mid-January 2024, Celestia (TIA) trading price hovered around $18, showcasing impressive weekly gains of 23% and monthly gains of 45%. Since its launch, the project has witnessed a staggering growth of 788%. The Celestia (TIA) token, which began trading at approximately $2, saw a remarkable rise to over $7 by mid-November 2023. Despite fluctuations, the overall trend for Celestia (TIA) has been upward, with the price briefly surpassing the $20 mark, setting a new all-time high.

The Celestia (TIA) project, launched in October 2023, has quickly gained traction among investors and developers, thanks to its modular blockchain network designed to enhance efficiency and scalability. This approach addresses some of the key challenges faced by major blockchain networks, positioning Celestia (TIA) as a potential game-changer in the industry.

Market analysts and crypto enthusiasts are optimistic about Celestia (TIA) future, especially given its strong fundamentals and the increasing investor interest. While the project is currently experiencing a price correction following its rapid ascent, the consensus is that Celestia (TIA) value will continue to rise, potentially reaching or even surpassing the $50 mark in 2024. However, as with any investment, there are risks involved, and the volatile nature of the crypto market means that predictions should be approached with caution.


The crypto market is gearing up for a transformative year in 2024, driven by significant developments such as Bitcoin’s price surge past $50,000, the approval of BTC exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and the anticipation of the Bitcoin halving event. These factors collectively signal a bullish outlook, attracting institutional and individual investors alike, and setting the stage for a potential market-wide bull run. Amidst this optimistic backdrop, two cryptocurrencies, ScapesMania shows incredible promise. The project’s impressive presale and public sale phases coupled with its strong backing are going to potentially position it as one of the biggest gainers of 2024.

Site: https://scapesmania.io/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ScapesMania

Telegram: https://t.me/scapesmania

The post Watch Out for These Two in 2024: Celestia (TIA) and Scapesmania (MANIA) Set to Surge appeared first on Metaverse Post.


