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接下來 3 個加密貨幣將於 2 月 17 日星期五爆炸 – XRP、VeChain、The Grap



3 個即將爆炸的加密貨幣

隨著 XRP 接近其宏觀盤整的峰值,看漲突破即將到來。與此同時,VET 飆升 11%,目前交易價格為 0.04843 美元。

此外,Meme Kombat 是一個值得注意的項目,投資者應該注意,GRT 的定價表明該加密貨幣目前正在上漲。

1. 瑞波幣(XRP)

隨著 XRP 接近其宏觀整合的頂點,看漲突破似乎迫在眉睫。如果收盤價持續高於 94 美分的阻力位,可能會引發山寨幣價格的拋物線式飆升。然而,每周自動斐波那契擴展預計將在 75 至 94 美分之間出現重大阻力。

根據 CoinMarketCap 數據,最後一天,28.69 億 XRP 的交易總額達到 16 億美元。這意味著交易量比前一天增加了 61%。在這次活動高峰期間,XRP 的價格上漲了近 5%,今天稍早觸及 0.559 美元。比特幣突破5萬美元後,山寨幣市場整體出現良好突破;儘管如此,技術研究顯示XRP的價格走勢仍不明朗。

接下來 3 個加密貨幣將於 2 月 17 日星期五爆炸 – XRP、VeChain、The Grap

在每週時間範圍內,XRP 的相對強弱指數 (RSI) 正努力超過 50,顯示潛在的轉向有利於買家。此外,XRP 的價格正試圖突破每週 200 移動平均線 (MA),與 55 美分左右的阻力/支撐位保持一致。

今天,我們很高興地宣布,Ripple 已簽署收購 @StandardCustody 的協議,加強我們的產品供應,並增加我們在全球範圍內不斷增長的監管許可組合。了解有關我們最新收購的更多資訊:https://t.co/JJp51mEabL

- 瑞波幣 (@Ripple) 2024 年 2 月 13 日

近日,XRP發佈公告,同意收購Standard Custody。此舉旨在增強 Ripple 的產品範圍並擴大其全球監管許可範圍。您可以在 Ripple 平台上找到有關最近此次收購的更多資訊。

While recent gains are promising, XRP’s future price movement depends on maintaining positions above crucial daily moving averages, particularly the MA 50 and MA 200. Consistently closing above these levels may lead to further price increases, potentially pushing XRP beyond the $0.62 mark.

2. VeChain (VET)

The excitement surrounding VeChain has surged following the announcement of a significant milestone set to be revealed at the MWC 2024 Event in Barcelona. While details remain undisclosed, the protocol is poised to lead in sustainability, solidifying its standing in the broader tech landscape. Speculation regarding potential partnerships, including one with global consulting giant BCG, is rife.

On Feb. 14, VeChain introduced account abstraction, a technology enabling tailored interactions with the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain. This innovation enhances interoperability and grants access to programmable smart contract wallets.

接下來 3 個加密貨幣將於 2 月 17 日星期五爆炸 – XRP、VeChain、The Grap

Furthermore, throughout the last day, VET has increased by 11%, and as of this writing, it is trading at $0.04843. Nonetheless, encouraging patterns continue throughout the month; the token has risen 61% in the last month and 65% over the previous week, putting it in a position to become the next cryptocurrency to explode.

Account Abstraction (AA) is now live, opening up a whole new world for#VeChain.

Not only does AA make interoperability seamless, but it also unlocks programmable smart contract wallets for a better user experience and improved security.

Here’s what it means forVETpic.twitter.com/SecJ6OwnGu

— vechain (@vechainofficial)February 14, 2024

Despite potential hurdles, VeChain’s robust fundamentals hint at the possibility of a significant breakout following its recent 65% gain. With solid backing from VeChain enthusiasts and the broader crypto community, all eyes are on this blockchain powerhouse as it continues to wave in the market.

4. The Graph (GRT)

Graph Horizon, a proposal by Edge and Node, seeks to overhaul The Graph into a more accessible and efficient protocol. This transformation aims to pioneer the integration of decentralized data into the web3 technology stack. By enabling diverse data services and query languages, Graph Horizon holds the promise of unlocking new opportunities in decentralized data usage.

接下來 3 個加密貨幣將於 2 月 17 日星期五爆炸 – XRP、VeChain、The Grap

Furthermore, examining the price of The Graph shows that the cryptocurrency is now trending upward. The price has increased gradually over the last day to $0.1717, indicating an upward trend in the cryptocurrency market. Since its launch, the price has grown steadily, and more increases are anticipated soon. Interestingly, $0.2103 is the critical resistance level for GRT, and breaking through this barrier may result in even more significant gains. At $0.1717, the market is currently positioned to break out.

儘管如此,如果加密貨幣市場的積極前景持續下去,The Graph 的價格將升至歷史新高。儘管多頭已經穩定了支撐位​​,但突破阻力位仍然是市場進一步上漲的關鍵。如果多頭成功,The Graph 很快就會大幅成長。目前,有跡象表明 GRT 已做好進一步擴張的準備。

Graph Horizo​​n 是 @edgeandnode 提出的一項提案,旨在將 The Graph 轉變為一種更加無需許可且更加高效的協議,以開拓去中心化數據在 web3 技術堆棧中的作用


— The Graph (@graphprotocol) 2024 年 2 月 15 日

對 2024 年 Graph 價格的技術分析預測顯示最低價格為 0.2070 美元,最高價格為 0.2519 美元。平均交易價格預計徘徊在 0.2148 美元左右,使該代幣成為加密貨幣市場顯著成長的潛在候選人。

今天的消息稱,比特幣近期市值自2021 年11 月以來首次突破1 兆美元。這一里程碑的實現得益於美國現貨比特幣ETF 的強勁投資,這些基金一直在向市場注入資金,推高價格。






