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Double or Turnover: 6 Suggestions for the Currency

  • for the
  • 2024-02-17 17:12:21
  • 65
In the new year, are you here to double or turn over? Here are 6 suggestions for the current currency circle friends; within half a month before and after the Spring Festival, the pie has increased by 20%+! It is equivalent to earning 2k for 1 Dabuliu. As the saying goes, firecrackers are blasting, gongs and drums are noisy, and the land of China is filled with joy.Everyone wants to double their fortunes, because bears have appeared in the past two years and too much money has been lost. So for us, the key players in the market, how should we plan our operations so that we can make a comeback and return to the top?1. Grasping the main theme of this year, there are three directions: the first is of course the big pie, the second is the concubine, and the third is the AI ​​sector.2. The successful approval of this year’s big-ticket spot ETF will be a 5A-level positive for the crypto market in the long run. New funds will inject new impetus into the market. This is also a prerequisite for the emergence of the slow bull in 10 years.3. With the popularity of Sora, the first text generation video model launched by OpenAI, it is competing with Google, the leader in the search industry, for turf. The AI ​​artificial intelligence sector must be one of the hottest tracks this year.4. After determining the main sectors and hot topics, you must adjust your strategies and configurations as soon as possible. If you want stability, then choose the big pie, my aunt; if you want to capture the dark horse, then choose the leader in the AI ​​sector. long term holding5. Don’t regret the losses in the previous two years. The coldest winter has passed. Hold on to the chips in your hands and wait for the spring to bloom.6. Finally, the currency circle is about vision, cognition, and mentality. When everyone can’t hold on, but you can hold on, then you deserve to make money. Who has more chips this year, who has good position management, and who persists? As long as it takes, whoever is the final winner will be the most beautiful boy.A great person does not change his destiny against the will of nature, but he understands and grasps when the "luck" and "momentum" come; when the market comes, you must have a position, otherwise you can only watch others eat meat and laugh your head off; The only way to beat the market is to have enough chips in your hands to attack when you advance and defend when you retreat; the big market goes for a long time, and the process is full of ups and downs. You have to hold on, let the profits run, and let it keep rising.As Livermore said, money is earned by sitting down, and opportunities come by waiting, not by your fierce operations.On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, I wish Lao Tie and all the black brothers and brothers a prosperous Year of the Dragon! ! Double or Turnover: 6 Suggestions for the Currency


