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上週拋售 300 萬美元 ADA 代幣的 ADAV Whale 自此之後進行了首次購買

上週拋售 300 萬美元 ADA 代幣的 ADAV Whale 貼文自此以來首次購買,首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上


最近,一個重大舉措引起了加密貨幣社群的關注:卡爾達諾鯨魚拋售了價值 300 萬美元的 ADA 代幣,結果又以大舉收購 Retik Finance (RETIK) 的方式重新浮出水面。



出售價值 300 萬美元的 ADA 代幣的決定是在卡爾達諾 (ADA) 的關鍵時刻做出的,該代幣的價格一直在下跌。

繼去年12 月達到0.69 美元的峰值後,ADA 努力恢復勢頭,此後一直面臨持續虧損,尤其是在2024 年1 月期間尤為明顯。目前ADA 的交易價格為0.48 美元,較峰值大幅下跌35%,引發了投資者的擔憂投資者。

1 月 23 日,ADA 短暫跌破 0.46 美元的長期支撐區,凸顯了其價格趨勢的脆弱性。

當它接近水平支撐線和下降阻力線的交匯點時,加密社群正在等待 ADA 軌蹟的決定性時刻。


這種不確定性為投資者的策略行動奠定了基礎,其中包括 300 萬美元 ADA 拋售背後的鯨魚。

復興:Whale 進軍 Retik Finance (RETIK)

在 ADA 市場的動盪中,有問題的鯨魚重新出現並進行了重大收購:Retik Finance (RETIK)。

以 0.12 美元的價格收購 Retik Finance 代幣標誌著投資者自 ADA 大幅拋售以來的第一步。

Retik Finance 是一種實用性豐富的代幣,由於其在去中心化金融 (DeFi) 領域的創新產品及其顯著的成長潛力,在加密貨幣領域引起了關注。

在過去的兩個月裡,Retik Finance 的股價上漲了 360% 以上,鞏固了其作為加密貨幣市場重要參與者的地位。


專家和分析師預計 Retik Finance 的前景看好,預計到 2024 年底其價格可能會飆升至 7 美元。

Retik Finance (RETIK):與卡爾達諾類似,提供獨特的產品

The Cardano Whale’s decision to pivot towards Retik Finance reflects a strategic assessment of market conditions and a recognition of the unique value proposition offered by the project. Retik Finance stands out in the DeFi space for its utility-rich ecosystem, drawing parallels to Cardano in terms of its commitment to innovation and sustainability. As Cardano consolidates amidst price fluctuations and uncertainty, Retik Finance emerges as an attractive alternative for investors seeking exposure to promising projects within the crypto sphere. The whale’s purchase signifies confidence in Retik Finance’s ability to deliver substantial returns and navigate market challenges effectively.

Certik Audited and Established Presence

Furthermore, Retik Finance boasts credibility and transparency, with its platform undergoing thorough auditing by Certik, a leading blockchain security firm. This endorsement assures investors of the integrity and security of the Retik Finance ecosystem, enhancing its appeal within the crypto community. Moreover, Retik Finance has secured a presence on reputable platforms such as CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko, further solidifying its position in the market and facilitating accessibility for investors worldwide. The project’s visibility and recognition underscore its potential for sustained growth and adoption in the evolving landscape of decentralised finance.


The strategic manoeuvres of prominent investors, such as the Cardano whale behind the $3 million ADA dump, offer valuable insights into market dynamics and investor sentiment within the cryptocurrency space. The decision to pivot towards Retik Finance reflects a calculated assessment of market conditions and a vote of confidence in the project’s potential to deliver substantial returns amidst market volatility. As Retik Finance continues to gain momentum and establish itself as a leading player in the DeFi ecosystem, investors are presented with an opportunity to diversify their portfolios and capitalise on the growth prospects offered by innovative projects within the crypto sphere. The whale’s entry into Retik Finance underscores the project’s appeal and signals a bullish outlook for its future trajectory, serving as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of the cryptocurrency market.

Click Here To Take Part In Retik Finance Presale

Visit the links below for more information about Retik Finance (RETIK):

Website: https://retik.com

Whitepaper: https://retik.com/retik-whitepaper.pdf

Linktree: https://linktr.ee/retikfinance


