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錯過了 50 美元的 TAO? 0.15 美元 AGRS?忽略了 0.1 美元 PAAL?





加密領域 AI 的成長是由 web2 和 web3 公司之間的協同效應所推動的。來自現實世界的正面消息對加密貨幣領域的人工智慧市場產生了重大影響。 OpenAI 最近推出的 Sora 令人興奮,這表明我們才剛開始取得重大進展。



Graphlinq 鏈,代幣 GLQ

GraphLinq 是一種由基於意圖的 AI 提供支援的協議,擁有自己的 L1 鏈,並結合了權威證明和 EVM 相容性。開發者和使用者可以利用鏈上和鏈下資料和觸發器輕鬆建立自動化工作流程,而無需編寫程式碼,甚至無需參與交易活動。

GraphLinq 生態系包括 GraphLinq 鍊和協定。該協議是一個自動化流程管理解決方案,具有四個關鍵組件:IDE、應用程式、引擎和市場。


GLQ是GraphLinq Chain的原生資產,用於金融交易和社群需求。它允許您在 GraphLinq 引擎網路上運行圖形、支付執行費用並管理未來的開發。

GLQ 價格:0.04 美元 市值:1400 萬美元 有趣的是,GraphLinq 是在熊市之初推出的,但團隊堅持不懈並繼續建立。這種情況與 INJ 類似,同樣面臨啟動時間不佳的問題。


Balance AI, it's like having a global collaborative toolkit where you can improve AI programs and monetize them. Not only are your efforts to enhance artificial intelligence recognized, but you're also financially rewarded, making your contributions truly meaningful. Balance AI is an open source protocol that powers a decentralized, blockchain-based machine learning network. Models collaborate and earn BAI tokens based on their value. The network uses a proof-of-stake blockchain, where BAI drives the entire system.

Token Economics: BAI token supply is 21 million and will experience 64 halving events starting in 2027. Before the first halving, the token supply will increase by approximately 2.6 million coins per year.

wBAI is a wrapped token version for DEX trading

wBAI price: $7.6 Market value: $23 million

EnqAI, token ENQAI

EnqAI is a leading artificial intelligence platform that offers unlimited possibilities in generating images, audio and large language models. It is powered by a decentralized GPU network, ensuring unbiased, uncensored functionality. It breaks new ground as an innovator.

The EnqAI token will play a variety of roles within the broader EnqAI ecosystem: Provide incentives for LLM nodes; provide discounts to inference customers; participate in governance; enhance network security through staking; encourage uptime of inference nodes

ENQAI Price: $0.042 Market Cap: $41 million

Devolved AI, token AGC

Devolved AI seeks to redefine the AI ​​development landscape through decentralization and transparency. The ecosystem is powered by its proprietary L1 technology, providing developers with the opportunity to build dApps. Their goal is to decentralize AI and ensure it benefits the masses. Through Proof of Value (PoV) protocols, they incentivize and recognize members’ contributions, fostering a vibrant ecosystem where every voice matters and every effort is valued.

The AGC token is more than a digital asset; it is the gateway to Devolved AI’s vast ecosystem.​

AGC Price: $0.45 Market Cap: $20 million

SleeplessAI, Token AI

SleeplessAI focuses on AI and Web3. that's enough. The main idea is that the coin is traded on Binance and has an AI code. It’s no secret that cryptocurrencies like things that are associative, fun, or simple; remember $DOGE/$PEPE. So as far as AI is concerned, it's just an idea that the market will appreciate it, plus there are huge benefits to trading on Binance. Don't buy on-chain; there is no liquidity there. Don't expect an immediate rise; the market still needs to get a feel for the idea.

As with all projects, look for a better entry point and consider DCA. However, if you have firm faith in a project's potential and are prepared to hold it for the long term, then making your first entry at any price may be a good decision. Copycat season can start unexpectedly, and it can be advantageous to have at least a starting spot.

Now, I want to introduce projects that don’t have tokens yet

Grass, token GRASS

The Grass platform leverages users' unused Internet resources to transform your online presence into a valuable commodity. In other words: You can generate passive income just by going online.

The GRASS token has not been launched yet, but it appears to be confirmed. Users can start farming points now, which will be converted into tokens later.

How to get started: Register at http://tinyurl.com/getgrasspoints; download the "Grass Extension" for your browser; browse the Internet as usual; refer friends for extra rewards; you can connect more devices to earn extra points .

KIP protocol, token KIP

KIP Protocol is an open source Web3 framework designed to simplify the development, control and monetization of decentralized knowledge assets for AI applications to launch KnowledgeFi. The agreement lets AI innovators showcase their skills in data generation, model training, application development, and more, and provides clear accounting and revenue sharing. Each element is encapsulated in an ERC-3525 semi-fungible token (SFT), allowing for seamless, cost-effective transfer of economic value between components in real-time as users participate.

The KIP token serves as both the unit of account in the protocol and the primary transaction currency. Maximum supply: 10 billion KIP, 3% will be allocated for public sale.


Swan is an EVM 2-layer AI computing chain built on the OP stack. Its main focus is to assist AI projects in seamlessly integrating storage, computing and payment functions into a unified suite. It witnessed $3 million, with Binance being one of the major investors.

Currently, the Swan public testnet is underway, with a deadline of March 22. It’s always best to stay engaged.

In this article, I discuss a project that I have long believed in. Considering all aspects of AI development, this field is expected to become one of the largest markets and has the potential to bring significant growth (in a positive way). The burst effect may only occur over 10-20-30 years.


