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麵向新創公司的前 3 個基於雲端的人工智慧平台




nuco.cloud (NCDT)

nuco.cloud SKYNET是世界上第一個去中心化的Mesh Hyperscaler,它是nuco.cloud提供的主要產品。專門從事數據分析、視訊渲染服務的公司以及正在尋找既具有高度可擴展性又具有極高性能的 nuco.cloud 計算的人工智慧新創公司可能會利用這種處理能力。

nuco.cloud 使用的策略與傳統的雲端模型不同,因為它採用分散的方法,這使得它能夠利用多個連結資料中心的未實現潛力。除了擁有無與倫比的運算能力和無限數量的選項之外,它的成本效益比傳統替代方案高出 70%。當客戶使用該平台的原生 NCDT 代幣付款時,他們有資格獲得高達 20% 的折扣。


除了 nuco.cloud SKYNET 之外,還有其他可訪問的產品。其中之一是 nuco.cloud GO,它的設計既方便用戶又具有商業可行性,同時利用全球消費性設備未充分利用的處理能力。對於規模較小的企業來說,這是理想的選擇。

nuco.cloud PRO 是它的另一個名稱。除了多功能性和成本效益之外,該軟體包還為客戶提供了高效能的雲端運算解決方案,可根據其具體情況進行客製化。

無與倫比的分發系統是 nuco.cloud SKYNET 將 PRO 包中的專業資料中心與 GO 的創新分發技術無縫結合的結果。這種整合是 nuco.cloud SKYNET 的根本優勢。


In addition, the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) is a decentralized Internet protocol that provides an alternative to centralized cloud services. It makes it possible for independent data centers all over the globe to collaborate and establish a global network that is based on open standards.

In order to function, the ICP network converts cryptocurrency into processing power. Additionally, the ICP token is used for governance purposes, as well as for the purpose of rewarding network members and paying transaction fees.

Among the most significant benefits of ICP is its capacity to steer clear of any conflicts of interest that may be brought about by centralized alternatives. By providing financial incentives for open-source and transparent software development, it fosters an atmosphere that encourages collaboration in the process of application development.

Having said that, the Internet Computer does come with a few difficulties to contend with. In order to host nodes, it is possible that robust hardware will be needed, which might possibly restrict participation from some persons or groups. In addition, establishing decentralized governance while avoiding misuse or hosting dangerous information continues to be a difficulty that must be overcome.

Filecoin (FIL)

Filecoin is a decentralized storage system that has the goal of "storing the most important information that humanity has ever created." Through an initial coin offering (ICO) in 2017, the project was able to collect a total of $205 million, and the launch date was previously scheduled for the middle of 2019. On the other hand, the implementation of the Filecoin mainnet has been delayed until block 148,888, which is anticipated to take place in the middle of October 2020.

An incentive layer for the Interplanetary File System (IPFS), which is a peer-to-peer storage network in which users pay for data storage and distribution services in $FIL, was the first description of the project, which was initially presented in 2014. In addition to being an open protocol, Filecoin is supported by a blockchain that keeps a record of the commitments made by the users of the network. Transactions are carried out using FIL, which is the inherent currency of the blockchain. Both proof-of-replication and proof-of-spacetime are the foundations upon which the blockchain is built.

Due to the fact that Filecoin is open-source and decentralized, the community is responsible for all aspects of governance. Developers have the option to construct cloud file storage services similar to Dropbox or iCloud by using the Filecoin platform. It is possible for anybody to sign up for Filecoin and begin saving their data. Additionally, one may make money by giving space for the funds of another user. The individuals that developed Filecoin made the decision to use their own blockchain technology to manage the network and their currency in accordance with their own understanding.

Filecoin's native currency, denoted by the symbol $FIL, is the money that drives the whole network and all operations. Transaction fees are paid for by customers using FIL tokens. The FIL is used as collateral by miners, which guarantees the services they provide.

With Filecoin, the creators assert that they have found a solution to the issue of wasteful file storage and retrieval. An effective collection of tools and IPFS, the company's core development, allow customers to locate the solution that best meets their needs.



