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Solana 售價為 115 美元:分析接下來 10% 的價格上漲;InQubeta 吸引了知名投資


這種頂級山寨幣已經從 94.00 美元大關上方的穩定基礎飆升,一躍突破 100 美元里程碑,其活力讓市場旁觀者既印象深刻又好奇。

這種上漲的表現不僅使以太坊和比特幣黯然失色,而且還使 Solana 成為預期牛市中最好的山寨幣之一。

沿著這些思路,一個專注於人工智慧的加密項目 InQubeta 也獲得了巨大的關注。

Solana 的崛起:打破熱潮

Solana 最近的價格走勢講述了一個關於實力和前景的故事。

在找到 94.00 美元上方的堅實基礎後,該資產經歷了一段相當長的旅程,反彈至 98 美元和 100 美元以上,漲幅近 10%。

它甚至達到了 114.98 美元的高位,顯示出一些強勁的勢頭。

Solana 在 23.6% 斐波那契回檔位上方展現了抵禦市場波動的韌性。

如果我們看一下圖表,看漲趨勢線在 109.20 美元附近充當支撐,與 50% 斐波那契重合。

只要 SOL 的交易價格保持在 110 美元以上,就有更大的上漲空間,這可能會打開通往 125 美元的大門。

InQubeta (QUBE):以加密貨幣為中心的人工智慧投資

儘管 Solana 因其性價比而成為頭條新聞,但 InQubeta 正在悄悄但自信地開拓自己的利基市場,吸引了知名投資者的注意。


InQubeta 憑藉對 QUBE 代幣的創新使用,為投資者提供了對 NFT 進行部分投資的機會。

這些流行的 NFT 代表了人工智慧企業的股份。

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QUBE 是一種 ERC20 代幣,是驅動整個運作的生態系統的動力來源。


因此,持有 QUBE 有雙重好處,這使其成為長期購買的良好加密貨幣。

Recently, they completed the audit by Hacken and KYC verification by BlockAudit, which is one of the reasons behind the involvement of high-profile investors. The presale has already seen over $9.7 million flow into the accounts, and there are two more stages to go. The token value has gone up significantly over the phases, and is likely to take the upward trajectory soon after the launch.

And it’s not just plain talk. InQubeta’s got big plans on the horizon – launching an NFT marketplace, rolling out InQubeta swap, and setting up a DAO. They’re building a whole ecosystem geared towards fueling AI startup growth.

Solana 售價為 115 美元:分析接下來 10% 的價格上漲;InQubeta 吸引了知名投資 Conclusion: A Tale of Two Innovations

As Solana continues its remarkable climb, laying the groundwork for another impressive 10% surge, InQubeta emerges as a compelling counterpart, drawing the attention of high-profile investors with its unique approach.

While these two narratives differ in their focus and scale, they mirror the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. Solana’s upward trajectory showcases the market’s potential for growth and innovation, while InQubeta’s ascent signals a new era in investment, where access to groundbreaking technologies like AI is no longer limited to a select few, but within reach for all.

Together, they represent the diverse evolution of the digital asset space, promising thrilling developments on the horizon that will shape the future of finance and technology for years to come.

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The post Solana at $115: Analyzing the Next 10% Price Increase; InQubeta Captivates High-Profile Investors appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.


