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以太坊正試圖打破 3000 美元的牆:鏈上分析和 ETH 價格

以太坊正試圖打破 3000 美元的牆:鏈上分析和 ETH 價格


昨天,ETH 試圖突破目前主要阻力位 3,000 美元的關卡,但未能成功,最終被拒絕回到目前價格 2,908 美元。




以太幣引領加密貨幣市場的 FOMO:ETH 價格分析顯示該資產願意突破 3,000 美元阻力位



及其最近試圖突破 3,000 美元的關鍵價格引領加密貨幣市場。

雖然比特幣在 2 月 15 日星期四創下了局部最高點 52,816 美元,但以太坊表現出了更大的決心,昨天達到了 2,984 美元的年度新高,但未能以整數收盤。

價格分析顯示 ETH 相對強勢,


交易員對以太幣的未來持樂觀態度,並押注美國批准市值第二大加密貨幣現貨 ETF 的積極成果,富蘭克林鄧普頓、貝萊德、富達、Ark 和 21Shares 等多家基金管理公司、 Grayscale、VanEck、Invesco 以及Galaxy 和Hashdex 已向美國證券交易委員會提出請求。

如果一切順利,ETH 甚至可能接近 3,500 美元,這是自 2022 年 4 月以來的最高水平,然後甚至可能達到 4,000 美元。


SEC 在最終截止日期前還有 96 天的時間



— Crypto Rover (@rovercrc) 2024 年 2 月 17 日

在價格的技術面方面,分析強調了自 2023 年 10 月以來,以太坊如何進入


,能夠非常牢固地守住 EMA 50 日線,並在每次短暫修正嘗試後不斷更新新高。

更詳細地說,從 1 月中旬開始,多頭們以一致的方式表達了自己的觀點,將以太幣的價格從 2,200 美元上漲到了當前的價格。

The psychological threshold of $3,000 could now oppose new bullish incursions, with RSI showing the first signs of weakening in a trend that is heading towards overbought territory.

Anyway, the consistently high volumes recorded in the last trading sessions and the recent breakout above 2,700 USD seem to favor a positive scenario for the cryptocurrency, which will likely break the resistance it is facing, albeit after several efforts.

In the field of derivatives, data analysis on Ethereum highlights a decidedly encouraging open interest, which last week reached an aggregated value on all trading platforms exceeding 7.7 billion dollars, a value that has not been seen since November 2021.

Even the funding rate shows positive signals with a positive leverage funding rate on all major markets, and with numbers higher than those recorded in the last 6 months.

This means that the speculative interest in Ethereum is high and that speculators are positioning themselves (and have largely already positioned themselves) with the idea that the crypto will increase in price in the short term.

Pay attention to the volatility in this period because it could lead to forced liquidations: in particular, the levels of 2,877 USD, 2,870 USD, and 2,840 USD are the prices that could trigger losses for long positions excessively exposed to leverage.

The on-chain data of the Ethereum network

After analyzing the price of Ethereum, let’s see what the on-chain data of the decentralized network are signaling to us.

Even in this case the overall outlook is largely positive, with most indicators showing the presence of a fertile ground for further growth of the asset.

In particular, we observe how the number of ETH deposited on the Beacon Chain is constantly growing, as well as the number of new validators joining the network to provide their support.

As of today, about 30.87 million ETH, equivalent to over 9 billion dollars, are locked inside the protocol PoS with about 900 thousand validators among individual users and LST platforms.

Considering a circulating supply of Ethereum close to 120 million coins, we can affirm that over 25% of all ETH in circulation are locked in the Beacon chain.

This only serves to decrease the potential selling pressure and cause a scarcity of ether in the crypto markets.

This data, combined with the potential digital scarcity that will be triggered by the likely arrival of ETH spot ETFs, could push the currency towards very ambitious price levels if demand starts to be felt even slightly.


以太坊鏈上記錄的平均交易量在 2024 年的頭幾週一直保持在較高水平

,達到每日 40 億美元的最高水平,並在 2023 年 3 月達到最高水平。

大量的交易量支撐了 ETH 價格的投機興趣,巧合的是,從 10 月開始,隨著加密貨幣的上漲,ETH 的價格也隨之增加。

空投、新 DeFi 協議的 Fomo 和新 memecoin 支持了整個 2023 年網路的交易量,過去幾個月的指標有所增加。



從 11 月開始,獲利地址佔整個網路的百分比激增,從 40% 升至目前的 94%。

這意味著 100 個地址中有 94 個的盈虧與其購買價格相比為正,並且可能隨時拋售頭寸。

通常在過去,當收益的地址百分比達到這個值時,就會出現非常暴力的拋售,從而導致 ETH 價格大幅下跌。



