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育碧支援的新遊戲Web3 Gem,旨在為1億玩家保護環境...

法國波爾多,2024 年 2 月 20 日,Chainwire

《我的可愛星球》得到了 Ubisoft 和 Unity 等遊戲巨頭的支持,旨在將 1 億玩家社群聚集在一起,以產生具體的環境影響。

這家法國新創公司正在徹底改變遊戲和 web3,旨在透過匯集 1 億玩家社群來拯救地球,以產生具體的環境影響

育碧支援的新遊戲Web3 Gem,旨在為1億玩家保護環境...


《我的可愛星球》是一款免費行動遊戲,由一家法國同名新創公司於 2021 年推出。


Clément Le Bras

,他是一位 34 歲的 Mines Paristech 工程師和經驗豐富的企業家,他聘請了 12 位經驗豐富的專家提供服務。

團隊包括著名工作室 King 的藝術總監和遊戲設計師等傑出人物,該工作室曾創作《糖果粉碎傳奇》。




《我的可愛星球》在 iOS 和 Android 上提供免費體驗,邀請玩家








,提供了專注於環境責任的沉浸式體驗,」遊戲創始人 Clement Le Bras 解釋道。






目標是到 2030 年建立一個擁有 1 億玩家的龐大社群


  • 種植10億棵樹,

  • 清理海洋中100萬噸塑膠垃圾,

  • 為拯救 50,000 種瀕危動物物種提供資金捐贈。

這些無疑是宏偉的目標,但考慮到全球行動遊戲市場估計價值 1020 億美元,這些目標是現實的。

光是在法國,71% 的 18-24 歲族群都是智慧型手機遊戲的常客。

To carry out these actions in the real world, My Lovely Planet has partnered with trusted and internationally renowned NGOs such as Sea Shepherd, the SPA, and Eden Reforestation.

Renowned partners to boost credibility

Two gaming giants currently back My Lovely Planet:

  • Ubisoft Entrepreneurs Lab

  • Unity for Humanity program

This prestigious association and unique concept attracts top talent, with a development team comprising 12 professionals, including veterans from the studio that created Candy Crush.

The support of these major industry players has enabled My Lovely Planet to raise 2 million euros from renowned investors.

Momentum already building

In beta-testing since mid-2022, the game has already gathered an impressive community of 20,000 monthly active users. The impact of the concept is particularly evident on social networks, notably with an audience of 550,000 subscribers on TikTok, where My Lovely Planet shares the challenges taken up by players, such as tree planting and beach clean-ups.

The results of these efforts are already visible: 70,000 trees have been planted in Madagascar. The aim is to multiply these achievements 15-fold by the end of the year, thanks to the game’s new features, in anticipation of a global roll-out in 2024.

A win-win model around a green crypto

My Lovely Planet has developed its cryptocurrency, the My Lovely Coin or MLC, with a win-win logic dedicated to the common good. The My Lovely Coin will be at the heart of the game’s economy as it will be the main currency of the game. Thus, the success of the My Lovely Coin token is directly associated with the success of the game.

Part of the MLC in circulation is even allocated to an environmental treasury, acting as an investment fund dedicated to environmental projects. Its potential is considerable, aiming to become the world’s largest fund to defend the climate and biodiversity.

At the convergence of mobile gaming and decentralized finance, this innovation introduced by My Lovely Planet could bring about lasting changes in economic models, while having a significant impact on our planet.

‘My Lovely Planet’- Game-Changing Impact

with its captivating and ethical gameplay, My Lovely Planet could mark the beginning of a new era for the video game and web3 industry. Its virtuous model highlights the potential of video games to raise awareness of ecological issues among new generations.

The initiative aims to reconcile the world of gaming with the aspirations of a greener society, aspiring for My Lovely Planet to create the largest engaged community for planet protection through gaming. Users are encouraged to stay tuned to this adventure.

About My Lovely Planet

法國Imagine 開發的《我可愛的星球》不僅是一款遊戲,更是一款遊戲。


我的可愛星球由社會企業家、巴黎高科礦業大學校友克萊門特·勒布拉斯(Clément Le Bras) 創立,他因推出慈善搜尋引擎Lilo.org 而聞名,該引擎已向全球事業捐贈了超過500 萬歐元。「我的可愛星球」為2030 年設定了雄心勃勃的目標:種植10 億棵樹、清潔環境減少100 萬噸海洋廢物,保護50,000 個受威脅物種,以促進生物多樣性和動物福利。


成長Rémi DELAFONTAINE我可愛的星球remi@mylovelyplanet.org




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