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唯鏈價格預測:比特幣減半後幾週 VET 可能會達到多高


  • 演算法預測 Vechain (VET) 的價格在未來 3 個月內可能會出現 59% 的上漲趨勢。

  • 該代幣在過去 24 小時內飆升了 10% 以上。

  • 技術指標顯示VET突破關鍵阻力位,顯示本輪反彈還有進一步的運轉空間。

  • 即將到來的 2024 年比特幣減半可能會為 VET 提供額外的催化劑,如果它引發類似於先前減半的加密貨幣牛市。

以企業為中心的區塊鏈唯鏈在過去一周一直在飆升,其原生 VET 代幣在過去 24 小時內上漲了 10% 以上,目前交易價格為 0.048 美元。



此外,我們的演算法預測,在即將到來的 2024 年比特幣減半之後,比特幣將持續上漲超過 59%,這預計將進一步推動 VET 的發展。





最引人注目的事件之一是上週,上海仁濟醫院宣布續簽與品質保證公司 DNV GL 和唯鏈的合作夥伴關係。




另一個令人興奮的進展是,唯鏈創始人兼執行長陸揚透露,他將在本月稍後在巴塞隆納舉行的 2024 年世界移動大會上發表演說。

作為電信業最大的活動之一,大會每年都會吸引超過 90,000 名與會者,其中包括行動領域的知名人士和高管。



簡化 dApp 開發

Last December, VeChain introduced its VeChain dApp Kit to simplify decentralized application development on its blockchain. Based on report, the kit provides developers with UI components, built-in wallet management, and other tools that abstract away blockchain complexity, allowing builders to focus on their dApp's core functionality and user experience.

Initiatives like the dApp Kit are key to expanding VeChain's developer community, which will subsequently drive greater platform adoption and utilization. By making it easier to integrate VeChain with robust development tools, more businesses are likely to leverage its enterprise-ready public blockchain.

VET Price Breaks Out of Resistance

Beyond the recent developments, VeChain’s recent price action indicates a technical breakout is underway.

The VET token surged through resistance around the $0.03 level in recent days, reaching as high as $0.038, and representing the highest price point since early January 2024. To coincide with the breakout, trading volume jumped over 88% in just the last 24 hours.

Previously, VET had struggled to sustainably overcome the resistance near $0.03 over the past several weeks. Now that VET appears to have broken through this barrier, it seems the token has built up enough momentum to continue its push upward.

Vechain movement in the last fews days, breaking the $0.03 resistance and going into an uptrend movement over that last 48 hours

From a technical standpoint displayed by Captain Faibik On X, the breakout means the zone around $0.03 will likely transform from resistance to support. This price floor should underpin future price spikes. Overall, the technical picture suggests last week's 11%+ price pump is the start of a broader VET uptrend.

$VET #Vechain is Breaking out of Channel after Long Consolidation..!! pic.twitter.com/cvTSx38Vh4

— Captain Faibik (@CryptoFaibik) February 14, 2024

Algorithm Forcast 3-Month VET Price

In line with the promising technical setup, our algorithm forecast VeChain has extended its positive trajectory over the next 3-6 months.

According to the prediction, the consensus 3-month forecast is for VeChain to reach $0.079, representing a 4.3% gain from current levels.

Looking further to August 2024, the 6-month forecast places VET's value to reach $0.103, indicating a 41% upside from today.

Bitcoin Halving’s Potential Impact on VET

Beyond VeChain’s trajectory, another major factor that could further supercharge VET’s price growth is the upcoming Bitcoin halving expected to occur in April 2024.

The Bitcoin halving refers to the scheduled reduction in Bitcoin’s block reward that occurs approximately every 4 years. In 2024, the miner reward will drop from 6.25 BTC per block validated to 3.125 BTC following the halving event.

Accordingly, Bitcoin’s previous halvings have proved momentous for its price. The 2012 halving ignited a 153+% price increase over the following 3 months reaching $30.90 from its initial price of $12$.

同時,2016 年的減半將比特幣從減半前的 577 美元推升至減半短短 3 個月內的 619.8 美元。

2020 年的比特幣事件也沒有被排除在外,到 2021 年 11 月,加密貨幣的價格飆升至 62,000 美元的歷史新高。

許多加密貨幣分析師預計,2024 年減半將引發比特幣的下一次拋物線牛市。


根據市值排名第 32 位,它預計與比特幣的價格趨勢密切相關,如果 BTC 開始另一次持續上漲,它可能會經歷重大上漲。

在比特幣 2020 年史詩般的飆升期間,VET(當時稱為 VeChain Thor)在 2020 年 6 月至 2021 年 4 月期間上漲了 1,600% 以上

2024 年減半可能為 VET 類似的超大型表現奠定基礎。



但減半有可能進一步增強 VET 本已樂觀的前景。



最近兩位數的價格飆升表明 VET 正在突破其交易區間。

此外,2024 年比特幣減半增加了一個額外的通配符因素,如果 BTC 開啟另一個史詩般的牛市,該因素可能會增強 VET 的上漲空間。



