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Cosmos (ATOM) 和 NEAR 協議 (NEAR) 可能會在以太坊的繁榮中超越樂觀主義 (

最近以太坊價格飆升,接近 3,000 美元的里程碑,推動加密貨幣市場熱鬧非凡。

2 月 19 日星期一,第二大加密貨幣價格達到 2,980 美元,為 22 個月來的最高水平,並重新引發了人們對即將到來的山寨季的猜測。

Apollo Capital 的 Henrik Andersson 也有同樣的觀點,他指出以太坊即將更新以及主網推出擴展解決方案。

在這種樂觀的背景下,以太坊最受歡迎的擴容解決方案之一 Optimism (OP) 在過去一周飆升超過 10%,在價格開始調整漲幅之前達到 4.1 美元。


Cosmos (ATOM) 和 NEAR Protocol (NEAR) 等注重可擴展性的競爭區塊鏈正在經歷低迷,這兩種代幣在今天的交易時段都顯示出看跌趨勢。

在這個動態且難以預測的市場格局中,ScapesMania (MANIA) 的下一步發展正在引起人們的注意。


與 ScapesMania 一起駕馭創新浪潮

ScapesMania 公開發售結束,成為加密社群的熱門話題。

該項目以前所未有的速度成功籌集了超過 6,125,000 美元,而該代幣的價值很有可能在未來呈指數級增長。

焦點已轉移到將於 2 月 25 日至 3 月 9 日舉行的代幣生成活動 (TGE)。代幣池比以前更小,條件比市場平均水平更好,因此最大化潛在回報的機會是迅速減少。



ScapesMania 背後的團隊擁有多年的專業知識,制定了穩健的上市後行銷策略。


透過 DAO 治理,支持者將能夠影響不斷發展的產業並從中受益。



ScapesMania ($MANIA) 是一個平衡良好、精心設計的項目,可作為遊戲生態系統。




The community's excitement about the project is evident so far: the follower count has reached 60K+. Also, the growing interest from crypto whales with deposits of $20,000+ might expedite ScapesMania's transition from niche to mainstream.

ScapesMania's smart contract has received approval from prominent security-ranking firms, ensuring peace of mind for holders. Additionally, the PancakeSwap listing is on the horizon, with CEX listings still in the works.

ScapesMania is also notable for a great cliff vesting structure to prevent token dumping, making sure that supply and demand are well-matched for potential growth.

Make sure you don't pass up the opportunity to leverage all discounts and potentially beat the market with the TGE fast approaching. Be quick if you want to be the first one in line for all the post-listing opportunities, which might be quite lucrative.

>>> TGE ALERT – Keep Up With Latest News <<<

Optimism (OP): Scaling New Heights

A favorite among developers, Optimism (OP) scales the Ethereum network while leveraging its security. Following a boost in investor sentiment, partly driven by the introduction of the Bitcoin ETF, OP experienced a bullish wave, further bolstered by recent strategic moves, such as allocating 2 million OP tokens to the DeFi layer-2 (L2) network Mode.

Source: TradingView

Optimism (OP) recently surpassed the $4 mark, aligning with the overall bullish sentiment surrounding Ethereum. Currently, OP is trading between its support at $3.5 and resistance at $4.3, indicating a critical juncture in its market positioning.

Optimism (OP) Technical Analysis

From a technical standpoint, OP's Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs) present a bullish scenario; the 10-day EMA at $3.9, the 50-day EMA at $3.7, and the 200-day EMA at $3.4 all suggest a sustained upward trend.

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) at 64.3 leans towards overbought territory but isn't extreme, indicating strong buying interest. The Stochastic %K, at 58.5, supports this, showing momentum without being overextended.

The Commodity Channel Index (CCI) at 138.7 and the MACD level at 0.057 also reinforce the bullish sentiment, while the Momentum indicator at 0.236 suggests increasing buying pressure.

However, the Average Directional Index (ADX) at a low 22.9 suggests a lack of strong trend strength.

Optimism (OP) Price Prediction

In a bullish scenario, if Optimism (OP) maintains its current trajectory and investor interest remains high, we could see OP testing the next resistance level at $4.8. This outlook aligns with the optimistic forecasts projecting Optimism's (OP) growth towards $10 by 2025.

However, in a bearish scenario, challenges such as intense competition in the scaling solution space and concerns over market volatility due to limited token circulation could apply downward pressure. If these factors become prominent, OP might retreat towards $3.2, or even lower to $2.7.

Cosmos (ATOM): Charting the Recovery Path

Cosmos (ATOM) has recently been navigating choppy waters, grappling with persistent bearish sentiment. The token dropped by 14% in January, plummeting below the local high of $12.227. However, recent market trends suggest a potential shift in this narrative. Despite the earlier setbacks, ATOM exhibited resilience, with its weekly price chart reflecting a modest 3% uptick. This upward movement extends into the monthly timeframe, where Cosmos (ATOM) has almost clinched a 6% gain.

Source: TradingView

This gradual yet steady growth, particularly following the pronounced bearish phase in January, signals a potential reversal in fortunes for the token. Market analysts are now increasingly optimistic, forecasting a possible resurgence for ATOM in the weeks ahead. Now, ATOM is currently navigating a critical phase, trading between its first support level at $9.78 and the first resistance level at $11.03.

Cosmos (ATOM) Technical Analysis

Cosmos' (ATOM) 10-day EMA at $10.53 is slightly above the current price, indicating a mild bearish pressure. However, the 50-day and 200-day EMAs at $10.29 and $9.93, respectively, suggest underlying support, offering a silver lining for potential bullish momentum.

The RSI at 47.16 is hovering near the neutral 50 mark, hinting at a balanced sentiment among traders. The Stochastic %K at 29.18 and the CCI at -17.84 further reinforce this neutral-to-bearish outlook.

Meanwhile, the ADX at a low 20.14 indicates a lack of strong trend, and the MACD level of 0.081 coupled with negative Momentum at -0.228 underlines the need for caution.

Cosmos (ATOM) Price Prediction

In the bullish scenario, if ATOM successfully breaks above $11.03, it could trigger a wave of buying interest, potentially pushing the price towards $11.46 and $12.71 levels. This movement would be supported by a crossover in the EMAs, particularly if the short-term EMA crosses above the longer-term averages.

Conversely, in the bearish case, a failure to sustain above $9.78 could see Cosmos (ATOM) retesting lower support levels at $8.96 and $7.71. This would be accompanied by a further decline in the RSI below 45 and a continuation of the negative trend in the Stochastic and MACD indicators.

NEAR Protocol (NEAR): Analyzing the Shift from Bear to Bull

NEAR Protocol (NEAR) has recently shown signs of resurgence, breaking away from its bearish trend that dominated most of January. This shift in momentum is evident in its recent market performance, where NEAR has experienced a noteworthy uptick of over 7% in the past week and an impressive 12% increase month-to-date.

Source: TradingView

Despite this positive trend, NEAR is still trading below its year-to-date high of $4.3, reached on December 27, 2023. Currently positioned between the first support at $3.2 and the first resistance at $3.71, the token is navigating a crucial phase in its price trajectory as it potentially gears up for a continued rally.

NEAR Protocol (NEAR) Technical Analysis

從技術分析的角度來看,NEAR Protocol 的 (NEAR) EMA 提供了看漲訊號,10 日 EMA 位於 3.46 美元,略高於 50 日 EMA 3.34 美元,表明短期勢頭強勁。

然而,200 日均線 3.13 美元表明需要謹慎,這反映了長期趨勢。

ADX 為 25.52,仍低於 25 的門檻,暗示缺乏強勁趨勢。

CCI 為-17.33,位於零線附近,表示買賣壓力處於平衡狀態。

RSI 位於 45.79,接近中性 50 關卡,既不強烈看漲也不強烈看跌。

隨機指標 %K 低於 40,通常是潛在改善的跡象。

MACD 水準為 0.038,略為正值,但負動量為 -0.157,需謹慎行事。


在看漲情況下,如果 NEAR 成功突破 3.71 美元,則可能會測試第二個阻力位 3.91 美元。

持續的看漲勢頭甚至可能推動 NEAR 升至 4.42 美元大關,這與分析師對 2024 年第一季的預測一致。

相反,在看跌情況下,如果未能守住 3.2 美元上方,NEAR 協議 (NEAR) 可能會滑向第二個支撐位 2.88 美元。

跌破該水平可能會導致重新測試第三個支撐位 2.37 美元,標誌著從當前水平大幅回落。


在當今的加密貨幣市場中,以太坊的飆升使其擴容解決方案Optimism (OP) 成為人們關注的焦點,該解決方案正在經歷大幅上漲,而Cosmos (ATOM) 和NEAR Protocol (NEAR) 等競爭對手則面臨著不同的命運。

儘管近期表現不佳,但 ATOM 仍顯示出復甦之路的跡象,其小幅上漲暗示市場情緒可能出現逆轉。

經過一段時間的看跌趨勢後,NEAR 也出現復甦,顯示有可能轉向看漲軌跡。


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