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原標題:為什麼 Circle 的 USDC 退出 TRON 網絡



編譯:BitpushNews Mary Liu



週三,主流穩定幣發行商宣布將立即停止在第一層區塊鏈 Tron 上鑄造 USDC,作為「分階段過渡」的第一步。

USDC 希望完全退出孫宇晨創建的網絡,孫宇晨在美國面臨潛在的法律挑戰。


Circle 在一份聲明中寫道:“作為我們風險管理框架的一部分,Circle 不斷評估所有支援 USDC 的區塊鏈的適用性。”

它補充說,這一決定是在「整個企業」努力「確保 USDC 值得信賴、透明和安全」之後作出的。

鑑於 Tron 以其相對較低的費用和快速的結算時間而聞名,並且是蓬勃發展的穩定幣業務的支柱之一,此舉可能會讓社區中的一些人感到驚訝。

至少自2021 年以來,Tron 上的Tether (USDT) 數量比以太坊上的還要多,這是由於使用基於Tron 的USDT 在交易所之間轉移資金的流行以及發展中市場的用戶越來越多地使用Tether 進行購買。

Circle 沒有透露有關其「企業範圍」審查的許多細節,其中必然包括公司的合規性和企業部門。

例如,目前尚不清楚這是否是涉及 Tron 相關安全問題的反應性舉措,還是為了避免涉及 Tron 及其 33 歲名人創始人 Sun 的潛在法律問題而採取的先發製人的舉措。


Circle 和 Tron 之間的削減可能是符合監管的加密貨​​幣公司(或至少是那些表現出合規友好的公司)與黑/灰市場加密貨幣交易之間日益擴大的分歧的最新跡象。

例如,被美國司法部起訴的幣安在幾年前就將 USDC 退市,但沒有明確的解釋。


但這種跡象並不少見,包括 Coinbase 和 Kraken 自願決定下架隱私幣,或者越來越多的旨在改善加密貨幣流動監控的「了解你的客戶」(KYC)要求。

孫宇晨本身也是一個有爭議的人物,2023 年3 月,美國證券交易委員會(SEC) 指控孫宇晨通過欺詐性誇大TRON 交易量以及通過未公開的名人代言誤導投資者來實施證券欺詐,孫宇晨表示這些指控毫無根據。


However, the focus is not on Tron, and Circle’s move may reflect more of USDC’s strategy. Until last year, the growth of Circle’s stablecoin USDC had been accelerating and looked set to outpace its main rival USDT. But due to a combination of factors, including rising interest rates that benefited USDT more than USDC, and an unstable (albeit short-lived) decoupling event in early 2023, Circle was always a step behind.

Circle has always prided itself on being a more regulated, compliant and transparent rival than Tether, which has been shrouded in “conspiracy” since its inception. Circle filed preliminary documents for its second initial public offering in January, meaning it is likely to be in active conversations with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) during the agency's review process.

This isn’t Circle’s first step in cutting ties with Tron, one of 11 blockchain networks supported by USDC. In a letter last fall, in response to allegations that USDC was used for terrorist financing, chief strategy officer Dante Disparte claimed that Circle terminated the accounts of Justin Sun and his company months earlier, in February 2023.

It's unclear why Circle cut ties with Sun at the time, but Disparte's statement was in response to a Nov. 9 letter from the non-profit ethics organization Campaign for Accountability, which claimed that Circle had ties to the Tron Foundation and cross-chain protocol SunSwap. Extensive contacts, accused of facilitating money laundering. That same month, Reuters reported that Tron had replaced Bitcoin as the platform of choice for terrorist groups.


Tron is still the favorite chain of USDT. The USDT currently circulating on Tron is worth more than 50 billion US dollars. Even without USDC, the Tron blockchain will not be greatly affected.

More importantly, USDC’s growing share of stablecoin trading volume has not affected Tether’s market dominance. While USDC has less than $30 billion in circulation, its competitors have market caps approaching over $100 billion.

Ultimately, as long as the majority of USDT remains on Tron, it will still play a central role in the stablecoin ecosystem.

Is Circle acting too cautiously? Is it trying to save its reputation by dumping some relatively unsavory players in the crypto industry? How well does the world know about Sun? Is this part of an overall shakeup in the cryptocurrency space that certain “regulatory avant-garde” groups will be working closely with, whether justified or not?

Consider the actions of convicted fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), who deceived the world while pretending to be interested in compliance. Perhaps the cost of Circle’s severance is acceptable: only $335 million of the $28 billion in USDC currently in circulation is on the Tron network.


