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Memeinator 還是 Delysium?分析師預測哪種加密貨幣將在 2024 年佔據主導地位

Memeinator 還是 Delysium?分析師預測哪種加密貨幣將在 2024 年佔據主導地位

後 Memeinator 還是 Delysium?

分析師預測哪種加密貨幣將在 2024 年佔據主導地位首次出現在 Coinpedia 上

2024 年,人工智慧加密貨幣將成為投資者的熱門話題。Memeinator 和 Delysium 兩個項目都與這個快速成長的行業保持一致。

在正在進行的預售中籌集了 480 萬美元後,圍繞 Memeinator 的情緒非常樂觀。

另一方面,Delysium 引起了投資者和分析師的興趣。

但哪些將在 2024 年佔據主導地位?今年稍後它們的價值會是多少?



Memeinator 將在 2024 年迅速聲名鵲起,準備啟動加密貨幣史上最大的革命。

儘管 Memeinator 的 Meme 幣同行都在呼籲投資者關注,但 Memeinator 是一支具有明確使命的顛覆性力量:在其低價值、無實用性的 Meme 幣競爭對手淹沒市場之前將其消滅。

這位冷酷無情的英雄從 2077 年歸來,目睹了迷因幣占主導地位的嚴峻未來,將加密貨幣變成了缺乏真正實用性和創新的荒地。

由於 Meme 幣約佔 CoinMarketCap 所有項目的 18%,Memeinator 想要阻止的情況比許多人想像的更接近。

為了避免這種反烏托邦的結果,Memeinator 正在建立加密世界有史以來最大的地下叛亂運動。

它已經獲得了超過 14 萬 Twitter 粉絲和超過 1.4 萬 Telegram 會員的支持,每個人都準備好推動 Memeinator 實現其最初的 10 億美元市值目標,並為其使命創造全球知名度。

實用性是 Memeinator 長期成長策略的支柱。

其生態系統的一大亮點是 Meme Warfare 遊戲,這是一個殘酷的虛擬戰場,玩家可以扮演 Memeinator 的角色,消滅競爭對手的 Meme 硬幣。

該遊戲透過基於人工智慧的 Memescanner 保持新鮮感,它掃描社交媒體以獲取有關新的和現有的 Meme 硬幣的信息,更新其遊戲中的角色、屬性和外觀以匹配現實世界。

雖然 Meme Warfare 嚴格來說並不是一款 GameFi 遊戲,但這款遊戲將 Memeinator 置於 AI 加密貨幣和 GameFi 的交叉點,這兩個領域預計將成為 2024 年及以後的關鍵領域。

同時,提供高達 45% APY 的質押獎勵已經吸引了巨大的興趣,預售中質押了近 5000 萬枚代幣。

即將推出的 NFT 項目預計將在 2024 年適逢 NFT 市場的復甦,為早期採用者增加另一層潛在獲利能力。

為了錦上添花,Memeinator 還提供持續的競賽,旨在推動最大程度的參與。

第一個預售大獎定下了基調:與維珍銀河一起進行價值 25 萬美元的太空之旅!

2024 年 Memeinator 價格預測

Memeinator is currently in stage 15 of its 20-stage presale, priced at $0.022. With the presale set to conclude at $0.0292, there’s plenty of room for growth in 2024. The meme coin market is still hot, demonstrated by Dogwifhat’s 600% surge in January and Bonk’s astronomical 4000%+ jump in just two weeks during the end of 2023, shooting it above a $1.5+ billion market cap.

Memeinator’s ambitious goal to revolutionize the meme coin market, coupled with strong presale interest and bullish market indicators—such as Bitcoin’s April halving and potential Federal Reserve rate cuts—means it could be well on track to hit a $1 billion market cap in 2024. With a total supply of 1 billion tokens, this target implies MMTR could be worth $1, translating to an approximate 3,300% leap from the final presale price.

Delysium: An AI crypto with an identity crisis

Delysium, an AI crypto created in mid-2023, presents something of an enigma. On one hand, its website and whitepaper tout an AI-agent network, promising a future of blockchain-based autonomous AI agents capable of learning and evolving.

However, a quick Google search reveals a different story. Its partners, Immutable and Epic Games Store, portray Delysium as an AI-powered open-world game with a cyberpunk theme, free-to-own universes, and NFT-based item ownership.

This dual focus is intriguing but leaves much to be desired. Is Delysium paving the way towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), or is it primarily a blockchain gaming venture?

Unfortunately, the discrepancy between these narratives can’t be ignored. For a project dabbling in AI crypto, clarity is essential. The ambiguity of Delysium’s overall purpose serves as a red flag for investors, leaving many analysts scratching their heads about its true essence and direction.

Delysium price prediction 2024

The market’s reaction to Delysium highlights the project’s uncertain stance. Launching at about $0.3 during the 2023 AI crypto craze, its AGI token plummeted by roughly 96% to an all-time low near $0.012.

Valued at $0.062 right now, Delysium appears to have stabilized, suggesting it may have found a floor in the past few months. While the ongoing advancements in AI could potentially nudge AGI toward the $0.1 mark, the project’s future growth seems limited. Without significant improvements in its messaging and a clearer articulation of its mission, prospects for Delysium investors seem poor.

Battle of the AI cryptos: Memeinator or Delysium?

While Delysium’s future might appear uncertain in the world of AI cryptos, the growing momentum behind Memeinator is unmistakable. Each presale stage has sold out faster than the previous, with its Q1 conclusion drawing closer each day.

然而,在剩餘的 129,310,345 枚代幣售罄之前,今天的投資者仍然可以獲得 32.73% 的收益。

在廣大社群的支持下,Memeinator 今年真正擁有 50 倍的潛力。

對於早期支持者來說,現在加入 Memeinator 的顛覆性使命可能會在今年稍後帶來豐厚的回報。


如欲了解更多資訊並購買 MMTR 代幣,請造訪官方網站。


