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The Truth About U.S. Stock Market Financing

The U.S. stock market has completely lost its financing capacity and has become a naked consumption machine for the proletariat. Let’s speak with objective facts. Throughout 2022, the amount of repurchases by all listed companies in the US stock market reached US$1.26 trillion. The total amount of dividends reached US$778 billion. However, throughout the year, there were only 149 IPOs in the US stock market, and the total amount of financing was only US$20.79 billion. What does it mean?In other words, the stupid and unscrupulous management of the US stock market has completely distorted the nature of the US stock market. If a stock market does not raise funds, then it has no meaning of existence and should be closed down. Because this buyback and dividends are blood-generating, the two figures for the US stock market add up to US$2 trillion. Financing is a blood draw, and the amount in the US stock market is only 20 billion. Therefore, the hematopoietic function of the U.S. stock market is actually 100 times stronger than the blood-drawing effect. This is the direct reason why the evil capitalism can exist for a long time and survive.We, the proletariat of the world, must see clearly its essence. Looking at our A-shares and IPOs in 2022, both the number of listed companies and the total amount of financing exceeds that of all other capitalist countries. The total IPO financing of the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange was 334.2 billion yuan and 198.8 billion yuan respectively, ranking first and second in the world respectively. Therefore, among the world's stock markets, only A-shares have returned to the essence of the stock market and are the markets that truly belong to our proletariat. This is our great advantage and we should be proud of it. Don't be fooled by the illusion of foreign stock markets.


