2024 年 3 月揭曉最值得投資的人工智慧山寨幣:綜合指南
人工智慧(AI)是二十一世紀最具顛覆性和創新性的技術之一,它也正在改變加密貨幣的世界。 基於人工智慧的山寨幣是利用人工智慧技術提供各種解決方案和服務的數位資產,例如數據分析、機器學習、自然語言處理等。
SingularityNET (AGIX):SingularityNET 是一個連結使用者、開發人員和 AI 服務的去中心化 AI 市場。 它支援在醫療、教育、金融等各個行業和領域創建和部署人工智慧解決方案。 SingularityNET 有著創造一個可訪問、民主且造福人類的全球人工智慧網路的強烈願景。 AGIX 是 SingularityNET 的原生代幣,用於支付和獎勵 AI 服務、質押和治理。
Fetch.ai (FET):Fetch.ai 是一個去中心化網絡,使智慧代理能夠使用人工智慧和機器學習執行自主任務。 它旨在創建一個代理可以協作、共享資訊和執行交易的數位世界。 Fetch.ai 在供應鏈管理、去中心化金融和智慧城市等領域都有應用。 FET 是 Fetch.ai 的原生代幣,用於存取網路、獎勵代理和治理。
海洋協議(OCEAN):海洋協議是一種去中心化的資料交換,允許個人和組織安全、透明地共享資料和貨幣化資料。 它旨在透過為數據提供者、消費者和管理者提供一個平台,釋放人工智慧使用數據的價值。 海洋協議在醫療保健、金融和能源等領域都有應用。 OCEAN 是 Ocean Protocol 的原生代幣,用於資料買賣、質押和治理。
Numerai (NMR):Numerai 是一家對沖基金,利用數據科學競賽來改進其交易演算法。 它作為資料科學家和機器學習專家的去中心化網路運作,他們使用加密資料提交和抵押他們的預測。 Numerai 透過其原生代幣 NMR 獎勵表現最佳的人,該代幣也用於治理。
Cortex (CTXC):Cortex 是一個去中心化的人工智慧平台,允許用戶將人工智慧模型上傳並整合到區塊鏈上。 它渴望透過為開發人員提供一個平台來將其人工智慧模型貨幣化,並為用戶提供存取各種人工智慧解決方案的平台,從而實現人工智慧的民主化。 Cortex 在遊戲、社群媒體和廣告等領域都有應用。
Synthetix (SNX): Synthetix is a synthetic asset issuance platform that allows users to create and trade synthetic assets on the blockchain. It uses AI to optimize its decentralized finance protocols, such as liquidity provision, collateralization, and oracle. Synthetix has applications in areas such as derivatives, commodities, and cryptocurrencies.
DeepBrain Chain (DBC): DeepBrain Chain is a decentralized AI computing platform where you may rent computer resources for AI training and inference. It aims to make AI more accessible and cost-effective, by providing a platform for AI developers and users. DeepBrain Chain has applications in sectors such as healthcare, education, and entertainment.
GNY (GNY): GN GNY is a decentralized machine learning platform that lets developers build and deploy machine learning models on the blockchain. It aims to simplify the integration of AI into various applications, by providing a platform for AI development and deployment. GNY has applications in domains such as e-commerce, social media, and healthcare.
BotOcean (BOTS): BotOcean is a decentralized AI marketplace that allows users to create, distribute, and monetize AI bots. It aims to facilitate the creation of automated solutions for various tasks, such as trading, gaming, and social media. BotOcean has applications in sectors such as finance, entertainment, and education. BOTS is the native token of BotOcean, which is used for buying and selling AI bots, staking, and governance.
Neural Protocol (NRP): Neural Protocol is a decentralized infrastructure for AI development. It aims to create a global AI network that is scalable, secure, and interoperable. Neural Protocol has applications in areas such as data analysis, machine learning, and natural language processing. NRP is the native token of Neural Protocol, which is used for accessing the network, rewarding developers, and governance.
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