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"Dealing with Bad Debt: A Friend's Recent Venture"

Recently, a friend who is in the interest-free and pending account business got a batch of bad debt business packages from Everbright Bank through connections, with a discount of several hundred million, and said he wanted to give it a try.

What do you mean? There are too many overdue credit cards now. After several collections, we have given up hope. We simply take bad debts, charge a nominal 10%, and sell these overdue customers to third parties.

The third party, that is, the collection and legal team, took over and started various tactics, trying every means to ask for more money and more money from the overdue ones.

My friends belong to the legal category. They use authoritativeness, consultative style, and goodwill for the sake of debtors to influence people's hearts. They negotiate settlement at a 40% discount first, but it is really not possible to settle at a 30% discount.

Have you met any legal counsel? What did I tell you? #BNBChain #polyx #sol #CFX #ETH




