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Avoiding Common Pitfalls in the Bull Market

I don’t know if everyone has made a profit this bull market has reached this point or is still recovering its losses.

What is certain is that if you are still losing money now, there is a high probability that you will still lose money when the bull market ends.

Losing money is nothing more than the following:

1. The secondary market chases the rise and sells the fall, frequently changes positions, chases when it rises, cuts when it falls, and keeps doing this repeatedly.

2. If you have a heavy position in a contract, you will hold on to it if the direction is reversed.

If you go in the wrong direction, you will only lose more. If you find that you are on the wrong bus, you can just correct it. If you really don’t know how to choose popular currencies and don’t know how to chase hot spots, you can go to Ange’s homepage to have a look


Avoiding Common Pitfalls in the Bull Market


