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2024 年交易者的投資組合中應包含 8 種新加密貨幣

2024 年交易者投資組合中應包含的 8 種新加密貨幣首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上


2024 年不容錯過的 8 種新加密貨幣

以下是我們列出的 2024 年最值得購買的新型加密貨幣,它們具有巨大的投資回報潛力。

  1. Pullix (PLX) – 一個具有獲利機會的包羅萬象的混合交易所生態系統

  2. Celestia (TIA) – 為建置和維護區塊鏈提供基礎設施

  3. Sora (SORA) – I 一個非債務貨幣框架

  4. NAVI 協議 (NAVX) – 作為基於 Sui 的借貸流動性協議運行

  5. SPYRO (SPYRO) – 是基於 ERC20 的基於 Meme 的代幣

  6. Arbius (AIUS) – 推出機器學習功能

  7. OORT (OORT) – 將人工智慧解決方案融入營運中

  8. LandX Finance (LNDX) – 使商品金庫能夠作為流動數位資產使用。


我們現在將深入研究 2024 年任何交易者都應該關注的最佳、最新的加密貨幣項目和代幣。

  1. Pullix (PLX) – 一個具有獲利機會的包羅萬象的混合交易所生態系統

Pullix (PLX) 是一個即將推出的項目,定位為 Web3 的領導者,因為它將結合 CEX 和 DEX 中的最佳元素來創建統一的體驗,任何人都可以存取任何資產,其中包括加密貨幣。此外,它將解決行業中的關鍵問題,並引入收入共享系統和代幣銷毀機制。在其中,任何人都可以輕鬆交易任何資產,包括加密貨幣。任何人甚至可以向自動做市商 (AMM) 提供流動性,以獲得高達 18% 年利率的被動收入。該平台還將提供借貸協議、VaultX、掉期和流動性挖礦,以及複製交易和交易賺錢功能。在下一次價格飆升之前,您只需花費 0.1 美元即可參與。

  1. Celestia (TIA) – 為建置和維護區塊鏈提供基礎設施

Celestia(TIA)是一個模組化區塊鏈,旨在為開發人員提供建置和維護區塊鏈的基礎設施。它還將使其他區塊鏈能夠將其用作數據可用性和共識層。因此,它具有一個檢查和驗證儲存資料的節點網路。這些方面有可能幫助它成為 Web3 中最大的新型網路之一。

  1. Sora (SORA) – 非債務貨幣框架

Sora (SORA) is another newer blockchain-based project that will introduce an entire monetary system. It’s an adaptive, non-debt-based monetary framework that has been built from the ground up to enable economic and monetary stability for financially vulnerable countries. Its economic system leverages a token bonding curve in order to manage currency supply expertly.

  1. NAVI Protocol (NAVX) – A Sui-Based Lending and Borrowing Liquidity Protocol

NAVI Protocol (NAVX) is a liquidity protocol built on top of Sui that enables borrowing and lending assets on top of the Move ecosystem with a smoother user experience. It features customizable, extensive interest rate curves and flexible asset support enabled by the Sui Oracle partners and TWAP oracles. It will also enable automatic leverage vaults and low-APR asset borrowing alongside high rewards.

  1. SPYRO (SPYRO) – A Meme-Based Token Built on ERC20

SPYRO (SPYRO) is a cryptocurrency that was deployed following the ERC20 token standard during the Year of The Dragon. It has stood out with a fair distribution model alongside a whimsical persona, making it a high-growth potential meme coin. It’s also backed by an audited contract and a locked liquidity pool.

  1. Arbius (AIUS) – Introducing Machine-Learning Capabilities

Arbius (AIUS) is a peer-to-peer (P2P) machine-learning, decentralized network that features its own native crypto with a fixed supply. New cryptocurrencies are generated with GPU power through participation in the network. It’s fully open-source, and holders can vote on it on-chain for future protocol upgrades. Models operate as DAOs with custom rules for distribution and rewards, which can result in a model through which creators can earn income.

  1. OORT (OORT) – Incorporating AI Solutions Into Operations

OORT (OORT) is a decentralized cloud used for privacy and cost savings, and it even integrates global computing and storage resources. As a result, this Web3-based project can provide AI solutions and enhance overall business operations. The generative AI agent builder program lets anyone incorporate accurate, versatile, and secure AI into operations within minutes as well.

  1. LandX Finance (LNDX) – Enables Commodity Vaults to Be Available as a Liquid Digital Asset.

LandX Finance (LNDX) provides community vaults that enable investors to receive an inflation-hedged return backed by a legal contract secured on underlying farmland. This makes commodity vaults available and liquid digitally.

The Best Way To Find The Latest Cryptocurrencies To Invest In

So far, we have taken a look at some of the best new cryptocurrencies that can offer high ROI opportunities. But for those curious about how we found them and how anyone can find similar cryptocurrencies, we will go over some of the most commonly adopted strategies below.

Conducting Proper Research for Presale-Stage Projects

When determining which is the best cryptocurrency to get, presales are typically looked at. More specifically, projects in their presale stage have lower entrance prices, making them far more appealing, especially for beginners, as they do not have to risk huge amounts of capital upfront. This is especially important, as they can provide the highest gains in the long term. For example, from all of the cryptocurrencies in the list, Pullix is in the presale stage, and as a result, if it manages to spike in popularity, its value can potentially spike by 100x. As a result, finding new cryptocurrencies in the presale period can provide investors with the opportunity to gain exposure to upcoming projects while they are still in the infancy phase.

Performing Keyword Searches on Google and Other Social Media

Keywords play a major role when it comes to using Google and other search engines. As a result, at any point in time, someone can utilize them on any search engine or social media platform like Facebook, X (Twitter), TikTok, Instagram, and so on to find new cryptocurrencies to jump into. Even simply searching for strings like “new cryptocurrency” can go a long way toward getting interesting results. Most platforms also provide the possibility to set up notifications for these latest trends.

Filtering Out the Latest Tokens On to Pof Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Most exchanges also enable users the opportunity to spot the newest cryptocurrencies through distinctive monitoring tools. Specifically, most legitimate and reputable platforms will typically go over projects before listing them. As a result, users can seek out cryptocurrencies by checking on large exchanges or online brokers. Many will list a long range of existing cryptocurrencies.

Getting an Up-to-Date Look at the Latest Development Trends in Web3

In order to take advantage of the ongoing crypto markets, investors will need to follow a broader market and ensure that they are as up-to-date as possible when it comes to the latest developments and trends. For example, artificial intelligence (AI) has been dominating the news since 2022, and most newer projects are now implementing the technology. However, the Web3 space has always been ahead of the curve, and as a result, any new technology is likely to find its way into these markets.

How We Chose the Best Cryptocurrencies for 2024

New cryptocurrencies consistently show up in the Web3 space and are regularly getting listed on exchanges and on blockchain explorers. There are, however, specific things that people need to consider before risking any money. When searching for new cryptocurrencies, we look at numerous different metrics. For example, we look at what the project has planned for the future, what’s clearly documented for investors to review, and what its native cryptocurrency can be used for. Moreover, we go over whether a cryptocurrency is likely to get listed by a big exchange.

Going Over Their Use-Cases

It’s important to go over the utility of a cryptocurrency prior to considering purchasing or investing in its ecosystem. For example, one of the latest cryptocurrencies on the list is Pullix. It boasts rapid utility, as it offers access to trading credits, staking opportunities, rewards, and exchangeability. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, on the other hand, were only created to be a means of payment but, over time, have evolved into a store of value. Going over all of these aspects can go a long way towards making the right decision.

Reviewing the Overall Roadmap

The best new cryptocurrencies will have a roadmap that anyone will be able to access and that is completely transparent and clear as to what kind of future the project can have. This showcases any investor that the team behind the project is enthusiastic, and this makes it far more appealing as a result.

Analyzing How Liquid Each Cryptocurrency Can Get

New cryptocurrencies should also have a high potential of reaching high trading volumes so that investors can buy or sell them based on their individual requirements and ambitions. A new cryptocurrency, in some cases, might not be worth getting yet if other investors are not trading it in significant quantities. As a result, this is another important aspect that should not be overlooked.

Is It a Smart Decision to Jump Into the Latest Cryptocurrencies?

Whenever someone researches new cryptocurrencies to get into, it’s important for them to pay close attention to the project and the potential risks associated with it. Websites like CoinGecko, CoinMarketCap, Reddit, or X (Twitter) can help anyone find new, authentic projects to get into. However, doing further research is always important. There are red flags that could potentially be indicative of a bad project, such as a poorly organized and written website or an incomplete roadmap or white paper. With that in mind, there is a wide range of convincing reasons as to why someone might be interested in finding the newest cryptocurrencies to jump into, and we will be going over those now.

High ROI Opportunities if the Crypto Becomes Massively Accumulated

New crypto listings often start throughout a presale period, such as the case with Publix. This represents an opportunity for anyone to join the community of early investors prior to the cryptocurrency potentially exploding in value by 100x.

Offering Massive Ecosystem Opportunities

Some of the largest cryptocurrencies are also utilized across the broader ecosystem of the project. For example, some projects have been developed, or a wide range of earning opportunities are being developed. These can be play-to-earn (P2E) systems or stake opportunities. As a result, by jumping in early, investors have the highest potential to monetize their time and efforts.

Gaining Access to Exclusive Giveaways


進入 2024 年最新的加密貨幣——最後的話

投資者和交易員一直在尋找最熱門的新項目。因此,今天的概述列出並回顧了 2024 年初及以後可獲得的頂級新加密貨幣。然而,對於任何交易者和投資者來說,考慮創建多元化投資組合的想法很重要,這樣他們就可以分散風險。

對於正在經歷預售期的最新加密貨幣,我們的首選是 Pullix (PLX),因為它提供了廣闊的生態系統、龐大的代幣效用和快速成長潛力。



這是因為一些最新的加密貨幣,如 Pullix (PLX),具有高成長潛力,預計其


100 倍



Pullix(PLX)是獲得高投資回報機會的最佳新加密貨幣之一,這是一個即將推出的項目,它結合了 CEX 和 DEX 的最佳元素,甚至實現了收入共享系統和代幣銷毀機制。

2024 年哪些加密貨幣漲幅最顯著?

沒有明確的答案,因為這是一個高度波動和投機的市場。但在所有最新的山寨幣中,Pullix 憑藉其加密貨幣 ICO 展現了巨大的勢頭,並可能很快實現顯著收益。



有關 Pullix 預售的更多信息,請參閱以下連結:


加入 Pullix 社區


