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"Learning from the Bull Market Mistakes"

In the last bull market, hundreds of times coins: DOGE, MANA, ZIL, THETA, BTT, BNB, ADA, FTM... appeared frequently, and even dozens of times were caught in large numbers. Is it difficult to make 1 million? It's easy to pick up any one. However, in the face of the bull market, the vast majority of people are still losing money. Why is this happening? In the final analysis, the mistake lies in "quick success".In the last bull market, it took less than 5 months for funds to increase more than 100 times. However, despite the good market conditions in the previous month, I stood still. In the first month, it was not that there was no gain, but it can be said that the gain was great, and the principal suddenly doubled by 10 times. But just in pursuit of "faster", it took me 2 days to get back to the starting point.The ups and downs in a short period of time are unforgettable. Maybe you will say: If this 10 times does not return to the original point, the final outcome will be 1000+ times. But I can't assume this outcome, and I never assume something that hasn't happened.I should be thankful that the problems I encountered in the early stages gave me time to correct them, which ultimately led to my success. If I encounter this problem at the end of the bull market, it may not be a matter of doubling 100+ times but it may be a matter of losing my principal.Therefore, I have summed up an experience: You cannot be impatient when investing. The more anxious you are, the less anxious you will be. The fastest way is to keep your feet on the ground, but this is the slowest way that countless people think.Facing the current bear market, I have been summarizing the mistakes I have made and improving my ability to survive in the currency market, just so that when the opportunity comes again, I can better meet the opportunity and achieve greater gains.If you are interested, you can follow me. I will share my understanding of the currency market and summarized experiences to help you avoid detours; and when opportunities come, I will send timely entry signals to buy currencies with huge growth potential.


