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例如,與週期低點相比,2021 年的峰值漲幅為 2,000%,而 2017 年的峰值漲幅為 12,000%。


- 收益遞減是可能的,透過這個週期,潛在收益也可能達到 1,900%,相當於 300,000 美元的峰值。



- 如果我們討論收益遞減,為什麼科技股在 2008 年週期和熊市之後會飆升。


- 如果上一個週期確實被推遲,FTX 作為主要做市商迫使市場停在 69,000 美元,那麼如果比特幣的價格反彈到 80,000 美元、100,000 美元甚至 120,000 美元怎麼辦?




2️⃣ -






新的參與者加入市場,通常不關心 60 天後減半;



Second, halving itself has a relatively lower impact on the number of cycles happening, as the price of mining one Bitcoin and the value of one are relatively far away from each other, hence why other factors will take their role.

To my current thought process, we'll be seeing the final 'four-year cycle' happening at this point, which means that it will probably be hard to break the upcoming all-time high in the years after.

3️⃣ - The approval of the ETF

Now, this is where things get interesting. The Spot Bitcoin ETF, which has recently been approved, has a magnitude of an impact on the markets, which is not priced in. By a mile.

Much interest was shown in the first few weeks as a few $ billions flowed into the ETFs.

More importantly, the combination of a potential hedge against the US dollar (for multiple reasons) is an argument that many institutions will use to adopt an investment-based approach to having Bitcoin.

In that aspect, the ETF has enabled a bull cycle we won't see for a long time. It's the final 'easy bubble' we'll experience.

🟢 Where is Bitcoin heading?

Bitcoin is heading towards validity across the world and towards a level of safety. The fact that institutions are betting on Bitcoin and are looking to allocate funds towards Bitcoin is not because they truly believe in the actual asset; they rather don't believe in their own financial system or currency.

Remind yourself that the existence of Bitcoin wasn't even a topic if the financial system was as ethical and as fair as it should be. It isn't.

There is a current existential risk of inflation across 3rd world countries leading towards a large influx towards Bitcoin and Crypto as a whole, but there's also a slow, gradual increase of fear surrounding the debt levels of the US government and the potential failure of the financial system there.

That's the underlying fact that institutions are allocating towards Bitcoin (and Gold), and that's also why the Bitcoin halving and the fixed supply theory is a decision-maker to invest into those specific assets as it's safe.

In the previous bull cycles, the markets have anticipated an influx of several new participants. In fact, 2017 was the cycle where retail investors jumped into the markets. In 2021, we've had VCs.

Now, we've got the big boys jumping into the markets, the institutionals.

Where are we heading?

I think we're going into a cycle that we'd remember as the 'Crypto Dot.com' bubble. A cycle where we're not using Crypto as a whole but where the world understands that crypto and Bitcoin are next.

How long does this cycle last? I don't know. It's more a question of how long the liquidity cycle will last. The FED is required to lower the interest rates, so probably until that hits zero and stays there for a few months, the markets will go up. It feels like we're in 1928, when the markets also started to accelerate on thin air, trapping everyone in their decisions.

It could be that we're going to peak at $250,000 or at $600,000. I don't know. Most presumably I think you should erase the theories and expect the markets to go way higher than you think right now, as that's always how markets move.

How long will it last? In the most likely scenario, in Q3/Q4 2025, we'll peak, but if the liquidity remains valid, it might be reasonable to suggest that this bull cycle will last longer until 2026 or 2027.

After that, we'll get a destructive crisis and crash like we've seen in 1929 and 1930, leading towards a decade of deflationary rates, disruption of financial systems, still dealing with high debt levels, but the flight to safety with Bitcoin and Gold and the Bitcoin Standard.

️ Make as much Bitcoin as you can in this bull cycle. Jump away into cash for a little while when the liquidity crash happens, and jump back in Bitcoin after the 80% crash. Don't look at valuations in USD. Look at your purchasing power.

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